
I'd like to be able to watch this show, but I don't have a TV and I guess Syfy thought it was a brilliant idea to release the new episodes 30 days after they air. That is not a typo - a thirty day wait to see each new episode. I'd like to know who came up with that brilliant idea so I can give them a paper cut every

"E Pluribus Anus" - it's not a crossroad of ideas.

The alien designs remind me of the aliens in Crysis.

@ntereycelogy: I agree with your last statement. I bought my PS3 in late February and I have a growing stack of games that I haven't even touched yet because there have been really good deals for these non-brand spankin' new games. So I'm happily sifting away, slowly, but steadily.

@dkl415: I have it, just haven't read it yet.

@mordicai: Yeah, silly me. I just remembered I have a copper bracelet that has gone through metal detectors undetected. So titanium is another "sneaky" metal.

Airport security will love this.

@GhostTheSaint: But it's only the river. No Delaware land was touched during this crossing.

@Cupajo: Amarula is a rather tasty drink. Now that makes me wish I had a bottle.

@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: Maybe they could pull off an Universal Soldier reference. If they do, I don't expect to see any ear necklaces, maybe a scene with eating raw meat in a supermarket.

"...hardly anyone plays first person shooters on the PC anymore. It's all about the console."

Oh man, that DP image reminded me that the trade for that story arc has yet to be published (along with Agent X and the Taskmaster limited series). It's the final part of the first Deadpool series and it was hilarious. There was a Pym particled Rhino in a hamster ball and Deadpool with a brain virus deteriorating

@AntiheroKing: Her claws have only been bonded with adamantium. I recall an X-Force issue in which she gets her arm chopped off and I think she pulls her claws off of that arm and has them put back in after she grows a new arm. She's definitely Wolverine's clone.

Wait... Steve Jobs has a Quinjet? Screw the shurikens.

They don't have any large and powerful speakers in-game, right?

@Ayden161: You should look into the Exiles trades. There's plenty of alternate realities in the Marvel Universe.

@robnroll: She reminds me of Jeanette from VTMB.