
@Mistah-Crow: This might help with your Fallout 3 DLC problems: [] I think it worked for me (I haven't gone to the DLC's yet, but they show up on my map after GfWL has been disabled).

@MonkeyChunks: Ugh. You had to mention Halo. Halo was originally to be released on PC and Mac, but then Microsoft bought Bungie and made it a Xbox exclusive for a couple years before releasing as a port to the PC. When I got to play Halo on PC, the movement felt sluggish compared to what I was used to around that

If they're so interested in PC games, why'd they go make Xbox?

The 2TB Western Digital offer is from 2 days ago. It's dead.

@Belabras: Oh, okay. Yeah, Janet and Hank have never really been able to reach the status that those other characters have, so I could understand the confusion.

@Illundiel: AngriestGeek said that it won't be an Avengers movie without Janet and Hank. I interpreted Belabras "Not original Avengers" comment as "it's not an original Avengers team movie, but it'll still be an Avengers movie".

@Belabras: Yeah, beer makes me feel like I have to piss like a pregnant woman. (No offense to pregnant women).

@♠ Final ♠ Tougher then tough times.: I know a guy who tends to talk a lot and is really sarcastic when he's sober. When he gets really drunk another persona comes out and he doesn't talk, but does a lot of obnoxious things with whatever objects are available.

@Helis: That reminds me of NEXTWAVE by Warren Ellis. All the henchmen were made of broccoli. No "fleshy ones".

John: So this other guy? He's a terminator like you, right?

Maybe DC was offended by the "Silentest Night" story in Deadpool #1000.

@DoktorFunkenstein: You're right, Hot Rod was the "chosen one". That's why the Matrix lit up when Hot Rod held it the first time. Also, Optimus did pronounce, "arise Rodimus Prime" when Hot Rod finally activated it. Why would he tell Ultra Magnus to do that when he's so wishy-washy as a leader? "No, no. I can't

As a wise man once said, "To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."

Now playing

What's funnier than Curly spazzing out "Moe, Larry, cheese! Moe, Larry, cheese! No. Camembert."

@psybab: He has filled-in for Daredevil before.