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Max Scoville (from Destructoid) did a video preview and gives his impressions of the combat. There's apparently 20 move unlocks and a lot of combos, with a variety of environmental kills. He mentioned the combat is heavily influenced by HK action films. Starting around 1:35, he says that you can only carry one

I remember an episode of a paramedic who could regenerate lost limbs. He could sense cancer in people and he had to consume cancerous tumors from his victims. From what I recall, it seemed like his physiology was completely made up of cancer. I'm trying to remember Mulder's theory of the suspect being an example of a

So would flooding be the best way to induce mass production of spider silk in the lab?

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Please let there be Chingachgook's war club.

Is there a way to determine one's tolerance level with caffeine? I don't think I've ever felt the effects of caffeine. I've had Red Bull a couple times (each time at night), but it didn't make me feel more noticeably wakeful (I normally fall asleep easily and almost anywhere). I'm not a coffee drinker (I'll drink it

Which Act are you in cause there's three of them? Don't know if this is a spoiler, but have you encountered STAG yet? If not, you should probably keep playing, unless you're just tired of SR3. Also, there's a few very cool vehicles and weapons that show up later in the game that need to be unlocked.

I remember playing System Shock 2, just on normal, and not feeling very safe anywhere. Areas of the ship that you already went through, most likely respawned new enemies the next time you came through. I was such a hoarder in that game. Weapons would degrade - even the upgraded ones, so you needed back ups and repair

Overpopulation can eventually balance out through education, health, and economic improvement. Environmentally, I'd be more concerned with mining. There's plenty of foreign nations and companies in Africa busy mining whatever resources they can find for instance, uranium (mines in Southern and Northwestern Province in

If you have enough space for a dog the size of a cow, Lockjaw would be a cool pet. You could go pretty much anywhere with him. No more driving, public transportation, or planes. The downside I'd imagine would be picking up after him, unless he could teleport to a designated spot.

I enjoyed the first few story arcs in the Cable & Deadpool series. I think they can all be found in volume 1 in the trades. I don't want to spoil too much, but he comes into conflict with several other superheroes and a very "heavy-hitter". After reading those arcs, Cable became a much more intriguing character to me.

I've given "Daytripper" (by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba) as gifts to non-comic book readers. I believe it's been enjoyed.

It sucked that it's opening weekend was with "The Expendables" and "Eat, Pray, Love". One was for a male audience, the other was for female, and Scott Pilgrim was stuck in the middle.

It's Skottie Young. He's been working on a lot of Wizard of Oz books for Marvel. [] &

Hawkeye had Ant-Man in his super. There's no supers with Groot?

I haven't had lucid dreams in awhile, but the type that I frequently had would be when I'm reading a big book and I realize after awhile, I'm reading what I have been thinking. Then I notice the remaining pages are being written with what I'm thinking at that moment, word for word. Then I get bored and the dream

I'm left-handed. I don't know if kicking while sleeping leads to being more tired, but I do know that I've had dreams of jumping over a fence and my body has reacted to it. I also recall kicking a ball in a dream and I end up kicking the wall, which kind of hurt.

So Japan gets Uncharted 3 commercials with Harrison Ford and the UK gets Coors Light commercials with Van Damme? Dammit American advertising!

D'argo mortally wounded, yelling "I'm your daddy" to a bunch of Scarrans with guns blazing was pretty cool. Then the planet explodes (from what I recall).