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The image reminded me of "Sunshine" and its soundtrack.

Last night I fought temptation and avoided playing Deus Ex cause I've been going to bed past 2 AM for several nights since getting this game. I woke up this morning thinking of Deus Ex. I'm don't know if I have the willpower to resist playing again tonight.

Yeah, I don't know where in Zambia that's supposed to be. There's too much desertification from those images. Maybe it's supposed to be in Western Province (I never got to visit there)?

But Franklin's "List of Virtues" has chastity second from the bottom of the list, right above humility, which was to "imitate Jesus and Socrates".

She's looking a little tan. Her character couldn't do that prior to the end of Underworld 2.

It's like an Alien Popple?!

You can open a bottle with another bottle, but then you'll need another way to open the last bottle.

But Volstagg ate 2 boars, 6 pheasants, some beef, and 2 barrels of ale.

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I'm sure Henry Rollins would like to have a little talk with David Shaff.

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If you're the Most Interesting Man in the World, both sides are cool:

That's like asking someone not to breathe oxygen.

If you pre-ordered on GOG you were able to start downloading nearly all of Witcher 2 last week. There's only a small portion I'll have to download today. It's also awesome that it's completely DRM-free.

I think your number 8 choice is missing.

I would definitely cover up the face. For some reason, the faces remind me of Wallace, from "Wallace and Gromit".

There's "Rain Man".

There's "Rain Man".

Is that a T-shirt yet? Cause it should be.

Since you mentioned the botfly, io9 had a post about it awhile ago: []