
@Archaotic: I know it's not quite the same, but X-Men vs Street Fighter came out a few years before the MvC titles. Maybe this is a warm-up/test run before jumping into something bigger.

@Orionsaint: Your mischievous gameplay reminds me of back in the day, telefragging people on UT and running around with the gauntlet on Q3. Basically the stuff that'll get you killed faster, but still fun to do and I'm sure it annoyed plenty of people (particularly the ones that were in clans). At least I wasn't


Now I want to see what Ray Stevenson looks like as Volstagg. He's in a fat suit, right? Or did they decide to make Volstagg less rotund? I also want to see how Sif's looking these days.

@Walking Eye!: The angle of that photo reminded me of the "tea bag face" on The Game Show:

@collex: I met a guy who didn't like 300 cause he thought it was supposed to be about the actual event. I may have slightly laughed or scoffed in front of him when I heard that and told him it was based off of a graphic novel influenced by a film back in the 1960's about the actual event.

His music enhances these Nolan films into an even more epic and grand scale of viewing. I think the music is subtly influencing me to see Inception on IMAX.

I remember when "The Matrix" was first introduced (that Superbowl ad), no one knew what it really was about and personally, I'm glad I had know idea before I saw it. I feel that I should not know what Inception is about either. I've seen the trailers and have learned the premise, but I refuse to read the spoilers.

@pepperman: Slight Spoiler for anyone who hasn't played the first Deus Ex game (if it even still matters since in came out in 2000). There's A.I.'s named, Daedalus, Icarus, and Helios that play significant roles in the story from what I recall. (I haven't played the game in almost 10 years, so I don't remember the

@CaptainJack: It wasn't Olestra with the "oily discharge", right? I think that was some sort of drug.

What I find really annoying with manga are those damn kids getting in the way of my browsing and potential purchasing. They're sitting all over the floor by the manga/graphic novel sections of the book store reading what seems to be the entire book. (I have no idea if they actually buy it). If they're going to do

@NeoProwl: If he's running around with a mask, wouldn't shurikens leave fingerprints and wouldn't they be kind of costly after awhile since he will lose a few?

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that maybe the successes are the ones we never hear about because the they don't "exist" cause they "failed".

@Antiterra: To be fair, that giant arm is cybernetic cause his original arm was chewed up by Predator X from what I recall. And it may be a competition between Cable and Bishop to see who has the better metal arm.

On the "Ask a Spy" tips for Burn Notice, the recommendation is to put your valuables in your walls. If there's any metal-type valuables, put them near the outlets. The tip on getting them out is to bust the drywall in case of an emergency. The idea is to have them as difficult to retrieve, even for you.

Dammit, I was planning on seeing this movie in protest of that Twilight crap, but I'm not going buy a ticket to see a ridiculously bad movie.