
@Cinnamoncanuck: In Bemba, "no" is "awe" (pronounced as "ah-way").

My family's dog gets pissed every time my Hulk hands make some noise.

@92BuickLeSabre: Were you on Mefloquine? I took that for 2 years. The side-effects weren't as extreme for me as for others (I had no hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, really bad insomnia, feeling "not-myself", etc.). I recall that long-term usage of Mef is not a good thing. I had some very vivid dreams with that

@spikespeigel: Idiocracy is scary cause it's almost true.

@Michael Dukakis: Is it because it might involve a three-headed giant?

@Archaotic: I think the biggest "dick move" was Halo. Bungie was developing it for PC and I think also for the Mac. Then Microsoft bought Bungie and made Halo an Xbox exclusive for 2-3 years. It sounds ridiculous, but I refuse to buy an Xbox after that (which was at the very beginning of the Xbox).

So... do we get to play with her, I mean... play her... I mean... ummm... yeeaah...

@Alessar: I started watching Kings on Hulu (by that time it was confirmed to be cancelled). What got me hooked was Ian McShane. He is just an awesome actor and he commands the viewers attention. As King Silas, he was so damn complex I didn't know if there was anything thing redeemable left in him or if he was just

@ColinStein: From what I recall about the history of guns, they weren't very accurate or reliable around that time (no grooves in the barrel and the projectile was a ball). That's why for years armies would line up their troops with muskets and shoot directly in front of them. I don't think they were even trained to

@bornonbord: Good to know. When I first found out about it and it was $36, I was thinking, "I always wanted something like that, but I don't really need it." So I splurged.

A word of caution. I ordered that Lenovo Remote keyboard back on May 20. It should be arriving sometime today. I guess the free shipping means you won't receive it until almost a month later.

Sooo... what's been on her mind lately?

Now I'm tempted to go buy Resistance 2 (I already have 1), Uncharted 1+2, Killzone 2 and God of War III

@thekeith82: At least they didn't name him "Derelicte".

@bobtheduck in Korea: According to Wikipedia []), Andy Serkis is involved, along w/ Alex Garland (author of The Beach and 28 Days Later). There's a sash-tail thing on Monkey. I've seen it in a couple of trailers/clips.

@Spamps: Since you mentioned free games, after I tried the legit/free demo of Spore Creature Creator, I would like to make sure no nasty DRM is attached to any game I may install (legitimately free or purchased). The Spore demo F'ed up my system so that every time I R-clicked on an executable, Explorer would crash.

So... no Spider-Ham? Dammit.

Did this come in a cooler and how long has it been sitting out on the counter?