Sándor Kisillés

Well said Jauan, McDonalds is hiring.

Interesting new tact for NFL players: Suspend yourself before Goodell can

Apparently nobody told Levi you’re never supposed to double wrap a Trojan

The existence of a coach named Jeff Fish implies the existence of a coach in the NFL named Jeff Fishest.

I think we can rule out Derrick as a suspect if you just review his shooting percentage

Loch Mess

I remember when the 200-meter butterfly fought Godzilla.

I always thought his position was IR.

Elegance? You want elegance?

Wait wait wait. Are you telling me an instructor made students stop an inappropriate activity, gave them a way to correct the matter in a discrete manner, and taught them how to self-reflect and learn from their actions so they could have a better future after they were no longer in his care? And he’s won a bunch of

The kid appears to know the path to righteousness.

You’d think Michael J. Fox would have better things to capture on Vine.

Now he’s gonna play with a chip on his shoulder. Which, admittedly, is better than playing with a Chip on your sideline.

That’s not a celebration, that’s a suicide attempt.

Donald Trump: They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists.

uh this was Josh MORGAN, not Josh GORDON.

Maybe the confusion is that Manziel and Capt. Morgan spent hours together in Cleveland.

Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

Better friend: Trump or Hernandez?

If you think Von gets excited about farm animals now, wait until he learns to read.

Man, talk about being down in the dumps.