
Yeah the article doesn’t capture the Primark vibe at all, it almost sounds cool when in reality it’s an awful experience that only those who can’t afford otherwise would put themselves through. Though my local one (Manchester) is actually quite nice and almost like a ‘real’ shop provided you don’t go at weekends/the

I love it when Republicans pull that “moderate” crap. They know their party is batshit crazy, but they won’t admit it, so they pull the word “moderate” out of their asses in hope the rest of us won’t think they’re insane too. I had a friend who always defined herself as a “moderate Republican.” During the 2012

Holy f*ck. That’s crazy.

CNN, I HATE YOU for playing right into these petty bigots’ hands by asking only foreign policy/terrorism questions. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we talk about domestic policy? Can we talk about the budget passed today? Abortion maybe? The environment? Anything??? The lunatics want to hijack every conversation and make it

My 2 year old turned to the TV, said “trump trump trump” then had an accident in his pull-ups. Kind of sums it all up.

I will star anyone (almost) who writes: Jeb! in a sentence.

True, true, but it’s still kinda gross to read that second-to-last paragraph and then watch a bunch of people immediately go “OOOOH COOL GIMMIE!”

“We should be talking about if regime change is a good idea. Is regime change is a good idea?” - Rand Paul

He does realise he’s taking part in a presidential primary debate right?

However, if it were legally possible, I too would support another term for Obama.

Maybe she thinks that he’s a clown?

So a friend of mine is watching the debate (when I asked why he would put himself through it, he reminded me he’s ‘conservative-moderate’. Whatever floats your boat, I guess) and we’re yakking via Facebook chat. When I quipped I’d rather watch bad hentai than your standard GOP debate, he replied that adding naughty

UK people: correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Primark rank below even Forever XXI in terms of quality and/or social perception?

I have no doubt whatsoever that these people are truly the best the GOP can produce.

That’s why she was eating those Milkbones!

You cannot argue with Kid Truth.

There is something about Donald Trump that just makes Jeb! nervous

So when someone promises to “keep us safe” as POTUS, does anyone believe them? That just seems like the world’s most bullshit promise.

My 6 year old on Trump: His hair makes him look hilarious.

This shit is like a reality show. Have some class. I know. Republicans.

Kinda glad I’m currently without TV so I can’t give in to the masochistic urge to watch this bullshit. Fuck all these people basically.

I wonder how long Carly Fiorina practiced that “natural” smile in the mirror before the debate.