
I just saw a Facebook meme that had a picture of Rick Snyder and copy that went something like, “I poisoned an entire city full of children. Where is the outrage from pro-lifers?”

That’s like saying, “dear people, stop worrying about the garbage being dumped on you/other people, it’s a new year! love, someone who thinks you should just ignore the garbage”

Somebody get Pixar on the phone!

Ambien (or was it the other one, Lunesta, or whatever) just makes everything look like it’s psychedelically melting, and then I fall asleep. Not that I took it regularly - I've only tried it twice.

Whenever I lucid dream, I usually make myself grow a dick (I’m genderqueer and in an ideal waking world, would be a shapeshifter) and then try to conjure up someone to fuck. I am not good at making people appear, though, so I usually just end up masturbating, haha.

I have tooth-falling-out dreams all the fucking time and I HATE IT.

When I was still on Livejournal a lot, and obsessed with Star Trek fan fiction (hello ontd_st and pinto communities!), I had a large crush on Spock/Zachary Quinto.

Copious amounts of medical marijuana.

Every single time I go to the movies, I think about that. #TeamAmplyJustifiedParanoia

Armed home invasions, though.

Yes! I would abhor this campaign no matter how good the manip, but if you’re going to make something that’s supposed to be seen by a lot of people, at least make it look professional! Not like some terrible Worth 1000 contest entry.

They don’t even know that there were Native Anericans when the Europeans got here and were horrified when I made the comment: of course we have a common ancestor with chimpanzees.

OMG that is brilliant!

Co-sign on that last sentence.

Not completely on-topic, but my dentist has recommended I get Botox in my jaw muscles to help my pretty serious TMJ issues (constant tenseness to the point where I basically can’t even force the muscles to relax). I haven’t been able to yet because of the cost, but has anyone else done this? Did it help? I'd love to

It’s a personal choice. Being queer and visibly androgynous, having a lot of social anxiety, and living in a big city, I feel vulnerable NOT having headphones on when I’m out and about, especially on public transportation. Back when I first moved from the suburbs and would go out without headphones, I guess I looked

So much this.i have GAD, social anxiety, and depression. For years, I thought my depression was the most pressing issue, but I’m really realizing now that anxiety seems to be running the show and feeding into my depression. It's really ruining my life, all this overthinking everything to death and worrying all damn

Hopefully they have enough Kentucky (KY) Jelly?

Makes me think of the corpse pose from yoga. Literal corpse.