yeah I totally thought it was Nicole Richie going by Nik for some reason.
yeah I totally thought it was Nicole Richie going by Nik for some reason.
My favorite part of this story is the angry old man that got so mad that he tried to cancel his Sam’s Club business account through the comments on the Jezebel link on Facebook. “I’m white cancel my business account please” and then went on to say he was just “tired of reverse racism. Yes RACISM”
yeesh is right
Let’s take a minute to consider that this is Nik Richie, founder of a revenge porn gossip site, trying to press a woman into talking about rape. This is the kind of woman he regularly chews up and calls a gutterwhore on his website.
It took me a solid decade to come to terms with the fact that I was raped while blackout drunk. It sure sounds like she was raped and I have nothing but empathy for her.
If Lala doesn’t feel violated, I am happy and glad for her (being a rape survivor myself, I would never wish anyone to feel what I feel/felt), but I certainly hope she doesn’t feel like she can speak for any other women that have had a similar experience with this guy. She might not feel violated or threatened by him,…
I hear NRA headquarters is sheltering whites as part of thier Christmas holiday celebration.
Honestly, it sounds like Lala cannot confront the reality of what happened to her. Very common coping mechanism. For those who may need it 800.656.HOPE (4673).
Feminist Kittenjoy,
A beast makes the ugliest noises when it’s wounded.
Sniveling Privilegewank. Is. The. Best. Phrase. Ever.
Jesus Christ. We want just some place for us at the goddamn table and some white people act like we’re saying no white people allowed.
Sam’s Club, a discount warehouse store owned by Wal-Mart, could be criticized for any number of things, including huge job cuts, poor employee conditions,
Doing the right thing (not supporting the Walton family) for the wrong reasons (racism). This reminds me of when my county took all religious holidays off the school calendar rather than add Muslim ones.
Dear Henry, the guy who thinks he needs a“safe space” for white dudes: it’s called EVERYWHERE. Inviting more people to the table doesn’t make you unsafe, you sniveling privilegewank.
I find myself going on a rant about how fucking annoying and scary I’m starting to find a lot of white men and then I have to apologize to my husband because he’s totally not like that. Of course he’s never offended because he completely understands my point.
People seem about as determined to hoard their privilege as they are to hoard all the guns.