
Some people should not throw the babies period. My husbands good friend is a schlemiel (a habitual bungler) and he went as though to toss Little Body and I was like, “NOPE, we don’t do that.” Same goes for you sister’s massively unaware boyfriend, you are not baby throwing material!

TLC should be ashamed for trying to make the public stomach one more minute of this disgusting family and their quest for easy money. I believe the IRS should investigate and audit every one of this families non-profit entities to ensure they are actually performing missionary duties that they are qualified for, and

What is the deal with this hair helmet.

To be honest, the baby throwing game needs a pamphlet or a chapter in a baby book. My kid was tossed in to a bunch of low hanging stuff. A fan, a tree limb. She was fine and thought she did something funny (because we were laughing so hard. We are bad people). But yeah, baby throwing needs some pointers.

What the fuck? That’s so weird. What are they doing that they can’t say where they’re going?

I think Sandjane called it right. Sickly Aaron Rodgers all the way.

“...because it’s just like a regular person but in small form.”

Either because they can’t be bothered to differentiate between different countries (because that would require a modicum of respect for the local culture) or because their “mission” work involves doing things that are unethical and possibly illegal and they don’t want to get caught and/or prosecuted.

I have a tangential question, because I was molested by teenage cousins as a little girl and as an adult learned a boyfriend had molested his little sister’s friends (and maybe her, too, I think):

“...because it’s just like a regular person but in small form.”

My subconscious is apparently stuck somewhere in the mid nineties, because every time I see ‘TLC’ in Jez headlines, I automatically think of Lisa Left Eye and the girls giving important advice about scrubs and waterfalls.

For a moment, I thought this was Jim Carrey in Dumb & Dumber. Apparently that haircut is tainted forever.

“Jill and Derick’s mission trip to “Central America” (why do they not say what country?)“

“Things thrown into our path and it’s just like, ‘Whoa, where did that come from, what’s that about’”

They’ve been committing that sin for years. Apparently there are people who find their dull everyday lives fascinating.

My theory is that in the womb they were constantly bumpety-bumping along and then they’re born and it’s boring. They straight love being jostled and throwing in the air is jostling on steroids.

Because money for TLC and money for the Duggars.

They are not good people.

Jesus Christ, why won’t these people just GO AWAY???

well so what did we learn from TLC??? hungry money monsters