
Ariana Grande has to be pissed off that Miley is stealing her gimmick.

I know. I feel so fucking helpless in the face of all this assholery from our countrymen. It’s so infuriating and embarrassing. I vote, I speak up, I don’t tolerate shit like this but I just can’t stand that this is happening here. I don’t believe in rounding up people because of a difference in opinion or religion

My main takeaway from the whole thing was:

It’s a really great joke if you’re a racist little shit dick who thinks humiliating children is funny. Christ sakes, even Don Rickles would find this in bad taste...

Right. If it wasn’t ill intent, then what was the intent? To embarrass a young girl? To “jokingly” associate all Muslims with bombs? Is there any kind of intent in this situation that isn't gross?

The teacher said she knew her joke went too far,

“I didn’t teach my children to hate people or to think they are better than other people.” Aden said.

Woooow, I read through the dirt bag and read “Michael Cera” instead of “John Cena.” There aren’t a lot of stories where those two could be interchangeable, but apparently this is it.

I live in NYC and am generally sort of meh about seeing famous people. However, I saw Tim Gunn in Central Park a few weeks ago and had to talk myself down from walking over to him and professing my undying love. Like, “DON’T DO IT, KITTENEYE. KEEP WALKING. DO NOT TURN AROUND.”

vagina wants, what vagina wants

She has some crazy high expectations to live up to. I read a quote from her recently, which I’m too lazy to look up, but it said something along the lines of Blah blah blah crazy effort to “Not look like a man in a dress.” I find that almost sad. Its one thing to have fun with your look, and I’m sure she’s having the

Also, lets be real: Jennifer Lawrence, whatever her other virtues, has a knack for picking really shitty Dior. It’s going to be a bad dress. I can feel it.

Caitlyn is crazy out of touch. A lot of what she says makes me eyeroll so hard. Like how she hates that she has to wear makeup every day now. No Caitlyn, you don’t have to! Unless she thinks she needs it to ‘pass’ (that’s something I couldn’t comment on as a cis woman). But yeah, a dizzy broad.


I was thinking more “entitled douchebag” but I guess that doesn’t exclude “useless.”

I would hate to be Amy Schumer in that situation. It’s like getting stuck with a really unflattering bridesmaid dress. The bride had a certain look and body type in mind when she picked it out and it wasn’t yours....and the face that it’s identical to 4 other dresses that look better on other people only highlights

Gunn added that he was “horrified” when Caitlyn said at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards that choosing what to wear was the toughest decision a woman has to make every day.


Flattering white jumpsuit are three words that have in such close proximity to each other, unless of course you are talking about Barry Gibb or the 6 Million Dollar Man Steve Austin. Or the Pope.

Who would have thought you could trade down from Lord Disick?