
You are ignoring one of the main arguments for affirmative action, which is not only to make sure minorities are represented, but also to mitigate the historical effects of institutional racism.

And the rest of us represent a giant pin poised to burst it. ;-)

Carson and Clarence Thomas oppose affirmative action because they believe they would have been admitted without it, and they’re probably right; they know their test scores.

The scientists moreover interpret the lack of diversity in science as a failure of the discipline — not the student: “We embrace the assumption that minority students are brilliant and ask, ‘Why does physics education routinely fail brilliant minority students?’”

Great condescending start.

this is a big part of why we don’t see more black scientists than we already have, and why we don’t see as many at top tier schools as we should be seeing. I know when I was in high school—with great grades in AP classes and excellent test scores, i was STILL steered away from top tier schools by my teachers and

Old men have somehow become more important than living, breathing children.

It’s horrible how different the educational opportunities are for children based on money and where they live. I know that in many ways I was very privileged compared to my students. It pisses me off that they don't have the same level of access that I had.

So we all agree that this chick is just a plant to distract us from a bigger mission being fought in the background? I mean...right? This cannot be an issue that one feels so strongly about that they take the fight to the damn SCOTUS, RIGHT? The irony itself is too much for me to even process. Scalia can stab his toe

Scalia, like pretty much all “conservatives,” lives in an isolated bubble, divorced from reality.

Ah yikes! My urethral cringed!

That really is a particularly fucking vile troll...

My kid’s high school health class just had a guest speaker from a crisis pregnancy center as part of an abstinence based “Sexually Transmitted Disease” panel, so there’s NO WAY those people are taking my kid to the sex toy shop. I would like my kid to be informed with actual information, thanks. I take ‘em myself. (or

When the kid looks uncomfortable, I just smile at them, extend my hand and say “would you rather shake hands?” They seem to get a kick out of that.

As someone who has taught sex ed, can I recommend you inform your children of these two facts...

SJW PRINCE needs to be flagged out of existence.

(plz dismiss troll)

“I wanted our children to grow up and remain children as long as possible.”

We already have a troll.