
I see there are a lot of mixed reviews but I did prefer adult diapers to the mesh panties and pads. They stayed in place better, didn’t bunch, and gave me coverage where I needed.

Booked flights for the wrong day. I had an out of town wedding and business trip back to back, and was so concerned about getting my company travel agent to make that all work that I didn’t bother to double check the wedding invitation.

My husband and I are now referring to this as “chicken sombrero”.

Good for her! Going back to an office job at that point felt heroic. I can’t imagine being onstage.

Some people are the fucking worst. My mother in law had neighbors who called the cops about hearing her screaming, neglected baby. Which is how she got to explain to some embarrassed police officers that her first child had been stillborn. All the neighbors knew was that she had been very pregnant, and then wasn’t.

I thought your “normal clothes” were Peggy Carter cosplay—love your style!

There are thousands of denominations within Christianity, and room for at least some difference of opinion within each. I would argue that most don’t believe in scripture as infallible (how can it be, when it was written and edited by people, and contradicts itself routinely?), and many don’t subjugate women or

I’m going to go with option (b). This is, after all, the same AD who just signed off on an interim coach permanently kicking a player off the team for offending him.

Use the Metro. Metro etiquette: give seats to those who need them and let people exit before you board. On escalators, stand on the right, walk on the left. Plan where you want to get off ahead of time. I saw way too many visitors board the Metro above ground in the suburbs, planning to just get out wherever it

Honestly, I think it started with my husband (Grade B aficionado) going on a rant. He may or may not have heard about the change on lifehacker first.

Sounds delicious. As a big maple syrup fan, just wanted to point out that the USDA syrup grades have changed, and you’re unlikely to find anything labeled Grade B when you go shopping this Thanksgiving. Grade B and Grade A: Dark Amber have been combined into the new Grade A: Dark Color and Robust Flavor.

I am partial to Dorito Cheetolini, myself.

I quietly scheduled a vacation day to catch up on projects around the house. I have relatives coming to visit this weekend and spent a lot of extra unpaid hours in the office recently dealing with a crisis, so it’ll make sense to anyone who bothers to think about it.

All of the other problems with this aside, is no one going to point out that this man would likely still be alive if there weren’t a Supreme Court seat vacant right now?

A knife actually does work, if you stick it straight down into the cork and then twist to pull it out. Amateurs.

I don’t have a good Christmas party story.

You call yourself a lifesaver. I call you Pimple Popper, M.D.!

Good advice, but it doesn’t stop there. Use this system as a tool to figure out who you’re inviting, invite those people, and be done.

That was shady of Landon.