
1st: The title for this gear could not have been any more spot on. Having to slash 30,000 jobs with 23,000 of them in Europe must have the works councils up in arms over this. I’d like to hear their response to this if anyone of them would be willing to reach out. My bigger problem with the slashing of this many

I still haven’t stopped giggling about the name.

Here, have a dose of reality:

This wasn’t about race, or religion, or anything else.

Or put some ice cubes in a zip lock bag and leave them in the freezer.....

I’m going with someone other than Hamilton winning the race.

Probably Focus ST territory if anywhere.

There are definitely more than one way of looking at Pirelli and some of the issues that have befell them in F1. In my book, I blame F1 and the teams for it.

I know that Ron has been around for a long long time and has always bled McLaren colors. If he isn’t in charge, I don’t see him staying around with McLaren for very much longer. The team principle on the F1 side maybe a bit of a stretch in my book. He is also 69 years old, so he might just call it quits and quietly

I wonder if that should be a question of any possible write in candidates?

No, you start with the clutch pressed all the way in silly...

Thank god that she wasn’t.

I don’t get a lot of this crap about the whole thing with VW, but then again even if you explained it to me I can’t as a functioning adult understand why they did it in the first place.

I forgot about that one, that one was spooky because of how it landed. It’s always good to see when the driver walks away.

In his book he talked about that accident. What’s funny is that it happened to him on one day, then out of the clear blue it happened again the very next day to him. Freak accident the first time sure, but he was pretty shaken up by the second event.

Great, people know how to use control+c and control+v to pull stuff off of Facebook.

Being a production maintenance technician that the whole separate wardrobes thing is a pain in the ass. I’m around stuff that doesn’t readily come out in the wash but need to look presentable. I don’t wear t-shirts to work (more of a collared shirt guy myself) and I kill them quite a bit.

I think the best way I can sum up the one thing I need the most is “Treat me what I’m worth to you”.

There are several reasons I can think of.

I have heard this a couple of times as well as being eyed for a future spot in the Ferrari organization.