
20 years as a Navy nuke. Only 1 dry docking of a carrier I was on. There is so much that goes on you could write a book about it. opposed to a car that is not difficult to drive with an idiot behind the wheel and turn it loose to attack curbs, sidewalks, and humans?

I can confirm that Bakersfield is a shit hole. I grew up there and never ever ever never ever want to go back.

The Team Joest question is a good one. I thought for the longest time that Joest Racing was Audi branded with their technical funding and research, at least Wiki confirms that with their beginnings starting with Porsche. I wonder if they will go back to their roots and team up with Porsche again.

At the 9:25 mark it looked like the beginnings of a code brown, but he handled that like a boss. +1 internet point to him for it.


I have always loved Helen Mirren. I am upset after seeing the Top Gear footage that they did not put her in a car. Given the state of CGI, that would have been pretty epic seeing a 71 year old woman of her statue taking something like an old Mini Cooper out for a spin.

I have a copy of Sun Tzu and break it out every now and then when I’m stuck on a problem or there is something that bothers me to the point where it looks like a no-win situation.


A damn good pillow and a damn good set of sheets.

Hamilton would still be 5 points short if they did the 1/2 finishes.

As someone that is working in a boarder-line toxic work environment, I will say that sometimes the communications (or lack of) and the being proactive part doesn’t help matters any. Some of these paranoia in the work place is the first sign of that toxic environment starting to set in.

The worst part is that he is starting to look more and more like Eddie Jordan as he gets older.

Thank you!

I grabbed the apps off of the website. This looks like something easy., let us help you out with the title:

You’re right, she’s not a psychopath. However how many other celebrities are there that don’t have a fraction of the problems that she has? What she has is narcissism.

I started to filter out the paid reviews and those that were not from verified purchases to get to the jist of what the reviews were.


I’ve always been a fan of the adage that never skimp on things that come between you and the ground: beds, shoes, and tires.