I, too, am very concerned about two people having sex who are not me.
I, too, am very concerned about two people having sex who are not me.
C’mon, folks, you really gotta start ignoring this shit and ungreying them. I know it’s tempting to respond but... don’t. Leave that shit where it belongs.
Strange thing is, if anyone knows the first thing about prominent white nationalist leaders it’s that they get in trouble for domestic violence so. fucking. often. that it becomes clear that they’re not trying to rescue white women from abuse as much as they want to establish a monopoly on it.
I don’t get why you guys are allowed to just walk around with assault rifles. Let alone up to a government building.
Connecticut Yankee here. How fucking repressed are we that our most popular gay search is “doctor?”
Never knew Henti was so popular.
Whewwww, as the luscious byproduct of an interracial romance, I can honestly say I love that my mere existence supremely *bothers* those who look down their nose at said interracial relationships. Funny thing is the same men who are so rabidly racist are the largest consumers of interracial porn. I love that the sex…
I say dox them back. Come on internet. Don’t let me down.
Ah, yes. Grind. The go-to for game developers who know they don’t have enough substance so they artificially gate access.
Honestly with how poorly 76 has gone in general the new Elder Scrolls in development has gone from a day one purchase to a “let’s see how things go first.”
Doesn’t help that the Outer Worlds helped…
“Bombs Drop Event”
“Better” doesn’t mean “good”. DOS2 still barely runs on the Switch, and it’s not the ideal way to play the game. It’ll do if you don’t have other options, but unless you absolutely must have a portable option, consider it a last resort.
I prefered the older games too and I’ve been wanting to replay the Ezio Trilogy but I need to take an AC break since Odyssey was so massive.
Mmmmmmm, cat poo brownies!
I am curious to hear the snide response....
I think I’d rather have Zapp in charge at this point than Donald.
Who bothers to check their own tweets for coherency? You just type some nonsense and let the cookies fall where they may.
OMG. A glamour system.... No Lie. This is the best feature update. Ask ANYONE who’s played an MMO (especially like FF14)
1. Be born rich.