
Seriously, any list from me could easily be 100% Peep Show moments. Mark's wedding episode is escalating comedy perfection. When Mark and Sophie both break out into audible sobs after "I now pronounce you man and wife," I always completely fucking lose it. Olivia Colman and David Mitchell are amazing together.

Roman reading the script in the "Celebrate Ricky Sargulesh" episode of Party Down.
"Moulek is fat man with womanish glasses (because eyes, like heart, is weak)."

Zach Woods' character taking down Jonah is one time I had to pause the episode so I could stop laughing.

All good choices. There's this tiny moment in "Charlie Kelly: King of Rats" that inexplicably makes me laugh out loud, no matter how many times I rewatch it: the guy who played Cutty on The Wire opens the door and greets Dee with, "YOU PREGNANT." Something about his delivery slays me.

For sure. "Seconds" is one of my all-time favorite Pulp songs. Rips my heart out every time.

Pulp is never talked about enough anywhere for my tastes, so I feel compelled to mention that the great song "His 'n' Hers" ended up on The Sisters EP instead of His 'n' Hers for some reason. Love Jarvis' vocals on it, especially. The Sisters EP is perfect little gem.

If you're talking about the "a graphic novel that can predict the future" line in this article, that's just straight-up wrong. There's a conspiracy involving information that's been planted in a graphic novel by its author. It can't "predict the future."

Well, I take any opportunity to stare dreamily at Melvil Poupaud, so I guess I'll be seeing this. Sigh.

Yeah, I don't get that at all. I think that's more of a preference thing, honestly. I personally found (and still find) the characters very viscerally compelling and the book as a whole incredibly moving. It really gets to me emotionally. I guess some people see its heart and some don't. It happens.

Contrasting opinion to your contrasting opinion: I've read all three and House of Leaves is my favorite among them.

Oh man, that movie was a real exercise in trying not to openly weep in a theater, for me.

Ugh, the moment I saw that little fucker putting lighter fluid on that cat, Kenard became easily my most hated character from The Wire, which I know is crazy when Herc is right there, loathsome as ever. Still.

I've always loved that Ripley brings Jonesy with her at the end of Alien.

Wow. This is the only time I've ever felt the desire to watch The Closer, congrats.

For sure, if you enjoy interacting with narrative, I'd recommend it. It's fascinating to think about, endlessly re-readable, and beautifully written. Be warned that it may inspire some really weird nightmares. (However, if you have no patience for post-modernism, unreliable narration, and a lack of straight-forward,

Well yeah, but he's just fine shortly after that! Seriously though, Bryan Fuller has vowed that he'll never kill one of those dogs. In fact, they've been adding some new ones.

No dog violence to speak of. Bryan Fuller would never.

The stray Pekingese dog that Johnny finds and attempts to rescue in House of Leaves. That book has no shortage of unsettling scenes, but for some reason that one really fucked me up. The description of this poor, shivering, helpless thing with its runny little nose, grateful to be picked up and held by Johnny is just

The Dreaming is so goddamn good.

The Age of Adz and All Delighted People are my favorite Sufjan Stevens albums, by far. His folkier stuff is excellent, of course, I just prefer the more complex songwriting and hysterical emotion of AoA and ADP.