
Ooh, Neko Case is a great choice.

I would love to see what an Andrzej Zulawski comic would look like. And Mark Z. Danielewski could make something really strange and fantastic, I bet. I have no idea why I immediately thought of two Polish names, but there you go.

Aw. Let's not blame a fantastic Leonard Cohen song for this crappy show's failings.

I liked him in Wristcutters: A Love Story, too.

Maybe a weird reaction, but I can't even express how proud I was of Will when he pulled that knife out. I love him so much.

That's their fault for reporting the word of a customer service rep like it's an official statement.

No, they didn't.

That's because Amazon didn't say anything like that. This is people blowing a tweet about a customer service chat out of proportion.

So true, think of all the buttcracks we would have seen without NBC's meddling.

Yeah, even Janice Poon is tweeting about Gaumont trying to find the show a new home. I love these people.

It's better than it getting canceled after one or two seasons, but I'm still crushed. I love everything about this show so much.

I am so fucking beyond sick of the reliance on the Nielsen system, at this point.

He's talking about "#SaveHannibal" on his twitter, so idk. I'm excited for American Gods but not so much that I want to sacrifice my favorite show on TV for it. This sucks.

The wait to see if another network/streaming service is going to pick up the show is going to be excruciating. Goddamn it.

I'm so fucking sad, I don't even have words. Please, Amazon, save this show. :(

That shot of Hannibal and Will's faces coming together last season was a reference to Persona!

Oh and SPOILERS: I'm so psyched to see what's going on with Alana in the next episode. She looks like a changed woman.

This is my favorite episode this season so far. I found Chiyoh really intriguing- the images of her with the hunting rifle and her fingers combing through the feathers were like echoes of Abigail. I can't wait to see what they do with her.