Love this response.
Love this response.
I’m more mad that she a desperate Jenna Marbles wannabe. Nice KoolAid highlight, lady.
It’s like kush, as in kush weed, but without the k plus a sm...
I blame faulty reporting then! Not me! It’s never me!
My favorite part (wait that sounds weird!) of this whole thing is the fact that the only reason he lost all that weight was because he ran a porno rental business out of his dorm, and could only get away from business/college long enough to run to the Subway that was located on the first floor. Subway has known about…
Goodnight Mommy is so freaking good! I’m usually meh about horror films (I don’t scare easily), but this one had me like holding my breath, on the edge of my seat. Some of the reviews have being calling this torture porn, but I really don’t think this is true. Most of the violence takes place off screen, with only a…
Ew. TS and CH have one of THOSE kinds of relationship.
I do! I bought it when everyone was making fun of Blake Lively’s blog and they had this kick ass watch on it for like $150, and someone pointed out you could get it on Amazon for $35. I’d been looking for a manly looking ladies watch, and it is perfect.
Sorry! Made your point over!
That was my thing. If you home a cat it’s for life. My cat Tippi has brain damage, and she is lovely to me and only me. It’s a goddamn burden when I want to have people over, because she can be very aggessive. But I can’t imagine an instance where i would give her up. I chose her, and she’s mine.
Obviously that’s what I want. Dead cats for all!
But this is the guy who demanded that they rehome their 18 year old cat for the new baby, so I don’t really know how deep his bonds lay.
I mean if I were Taylor I would cut him out of the circle, cuz clearly that thing can ROAR.
Chris Christie: Jersey Ranger.
I love Robert so much! I feel so bad for him because he’s not as flashy as some of the other sharks and constantly gets his deals rejected.
Omg so would. When I was a film student we had the head of acquisitions from Magnolia Pictures (which Cuban co-owns) come to talk to us, and he had nothing but good things to say about the way that Cuban let them back whatever films they chose. He is also co-owner of Landmark Theaters which I used to work for and it…
The Murder of Emmett Till is such a good doc. You can check it out here.
I was just trying to explain my reluctance to fully embrace the media frenzy over Caitlyn to my bf, because not every trans person has the luxury to transition in the way that she did. I appreciate it from a visibility standard, but also feel that it’s totally unattainable for most of the community.
You gotta watch out for that Olsen girl. She’s a wily one.
Apparently the Hiddles is just a decoy for her true avenger love Captain American.