Did you ever read her first auto, “Little Girl Lost”? It’s worth a read imo.
Did you ever read her first auto, “Little Girl Lost”? It’s worth a read imo.
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one with this reaction. I felt like I was in for a bitter Friday!
Didn’t she go all Linda Lovelace, and claimed she had been manipulated into porn by her ex boyfriend? Sasha Grey, I mean.
Oh it is.
You do realize that an adult human person programmed this toy. Minions aren’t real.
Bobby, I fucking love you. Is this going to be a weekly thing?
No it was Palindromes (though it could probably apply to a few of his later works). The format was completely different before it went through an audience screening.
Thanks for this! I love Sharon Horgan. Have you seen Pulling?
I love me ssome Solondz, but because he so indie, a lot of times the production companies manage to railroad him into making changes he doesn’t want to make. Initially he shot it so that it would be a split screen, and the scenes with each actor would match up with one going forward and the other backward only to meet…
Whatgoeshere got to you before I did, but yes, it’s called Life During Wartime. It was ok. I really wanted to like it, but it’s really hard to follow Happiness. It might be one of those movies you need to give a second chance too, though. Unfortunately it’s not on any streaming sites aka netflix or hulu, but you can…
She turned it down.
Noooooooooooooo! Palindromes was super edited and not what Solondz wanted at all. Don’t watch it.
It’s cute, but do we need a word to separate what is esseessentially the same thing. I refuse to cowtow to a more dainty word. I MASTURBATE.
Nope. Just no.
Don’t let her ruin the whole vibe for you. Just say fuck it, and enjoy everyone else!
I hope not.
Also I meant yuck as a plot devise. Not as a degragation.
See my response to randilyn. She had the same question..
I mean I wouldn’t just because she’s boring.