I’m so glad that the face of my teenage angst is smiling.
I’m so glad that the face of my teenage angst is smiling.
Sounds like a bullshit crash diet proposed by someone who has the money, to not only do, but maintain it afterward. YAWN....
I’m sorry. I realized my typo quite quickly, and remedied it.
Ok. Not to negate Slip’nSlide Yogi’s whole point, but I was reacting to the last sentance, “Because this whole study reads to me like, “Hmm how can we find a way to scare women into keeping them in the home?” It reminded me of a recent published “study” about how on online dating sites black women are the least…
I do love your name though! Monae is a goddess.
So? Good for them. Good for us. Still doesn’t take away from my point though. Every little sin counts, babe.
Either that or it’s the early 90’s and she’s getting poodle permed by my mother.
Like I have a passport to remind me not to overpluck my eyebrows. Surely seven years of watching yourself on the tv could give you a clue or two how not to style your hair.
We can share, Rooo. It’s not cheating if there is a prenup, and or a Fendi bag in the mix.
You know those pushing forth the ideals of the patriarchy aren't just comprised of men, right?
I just like that she thinks that’s a good look.
And I felt fancy walking into my liquor store with an Urban Outfitters bag. Imagine the status change I might get if I start walking in with one of those.
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw...
I personally would have put in a gif of a circle jerk, but hey, well played.
I think that is exactly what he means. There are certain subjects that have caused me reeling pain, but the more I push myself to look at them the more deconstructed they are, therefore the more deconstructed I am. It helps a whole lot more than hiding from a problem.
Just to keep us in our place, ya know.
I fucking love people like this. They show me who to avoid. That’s why part of me isn’t against all this legislation that allows companies to discriminate. I just think that if you do you have to post it in the shop window, then I won’t waste my money.