Didn’t y’all cover this like a couple days after this happened?
Didn’t y’all cover this like a couple days after this happened?
I think this is a great idea, that should have had permission slips, obviously. Smitten Kitten is a really progressive sex store, very community oriented, and focused on putting sex positivity out there. Kids (and bell even adults) need to know there are safe spaces to discuss their sexuality, and be armed with proper…
Right? I grew up there, and never in a million years would have believed that this is what’s going on.
Not to mention that he’s trying to make it so teachers in WI don’t even need specific educational experience, only a general BA. And if you want to teach a trade class you only need a high school education.
It’s insane, and some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever done. I’m pretty sure I had a death wish. I’m just glad to have moved on, not to say I don’t do stupid shit still, but not like that.
Makes sense. We’re here to fuck men, but not enjoy it. Tangentially related...
Oh god! When I was a teenager my friends and I went through a nitrous phase. Shit would make me black out for a few seconds. Anyways my friend’s boyfriend would do the driving, and do them as well. It’s a wonder I made it out of my teens.
I will still rally hard for “Live Through This”.
That feels appropriate as I for whatever reason (drunk) shoved my tampon in my bf mouth last night before sex. After we talked about timelines for babies. Life is weird.
Just re-watched two seasons of Rock of Love so I feel like I have some stake in this.
No brats?!?!?!?!?!?! Blasphemer...
Take this with a grain of salt of course, but TMZ is reporting that the Duggars were supposed to be on the Oprah show back in 2006, but Oprah got a tip about the molestation and didn’t end up shooting the show. The Duggar’s show started on TLC in 2008. I’m wondering if TLC knew about the abuse, and decided to cash cow…
I don’t know if white people love Wayne Brady. I think they just like free stuff.
Like, I get what Pharrell is trying to say, like in a utopian society race shouldn’t matter. But we are not there, and it feels willfully ignorant to to ignore the very real problems that people are facing today.
It’s just seems more pronounced than say a even a couple months ago. More reconstructive surgery makes sense. Or maybe I’m just projecting my jowls?
I know about the car accident, but he’s looking different than usual. Recent oral surgery makes sense.
Why does Kanye suddenly look like he has cotton in his mouth all the time?
I would assume that he’s only interested in this because he thinks he could weasel child support out of her.
Kylie Jenner is starting to look like Big Ang.
To be fair, when I finally got the James Taylor joke I was laughing my ass off. So you’re good:)