Sorry it took me so long to respond, I was taking to my mother.
Maybe this is OT, but...
My read of that, and the read of the entire cast was that Gaga came in fronting. Everyone on the panel knew what Lange wanted to say (which was what they also seemed to want to say), but she just didn't say it. There is a whole back story there that we didn't get.
What the what is going on with those crotches?
My mother though it was the chicest of chic to cut my hair short then perm it. I looked like a goddamned poodle.
gurl, I feel ya. benefit makes a great eyebrow gel. Love, love, love!
I don't know how it happened, but I ended up with way, way, way over plucked eyebrows. Like stereotypical chola black line eyebrows. I didn't even realize how bad it was until I went to renew my passport and saw the old picture. I just feel lucky they grew back in.
If there is a live feed maybe your readership should be allowed to partake in real-time commentary too. Thanks, Obama.
I wish that instead of all this hogwash, and good intentions, that we could have transparency in government.
as Obama said, "orange really is the new black."
Boehner looks like he'd rather be eating a bag of dicks.
Is this the next leather jogging pants?
right? Every time I see Amber Rose I'm like,"Kanye, ya done fucked up." I'm looking you too Wiz.
10 and 16 are the same quote.
So, as pathetic as this sounds I actually watched that, and the prior episode. What Dr. Phil is trying to do is to show these girls how their internal pain manifests in explosive relationships with people.
Regarding Don't trust the B: Not really, but don't judge it based on this. It was a really great feminist show that only got cancelled because ABC doesn't knows what to do with good shows.
Bobbitt Part Deux: Electric Boogaloo.
"I'll try to be less harpy, if you try not to be so mid-life crisis."