The heart wants what it wants (or in this case, the booze)!
The heart wants what it wants (or in this case, the booze)!
I don't even know why I'm bringing this up because it really doesn't have anything to do with anything, but back in my hometown I was in close proximity to both a Burger King and a McDonalds. When I was really hungover I would first stop at Burger King for a bacon croissan'wich then to McDonalds because they have…
Ah yesssss..... the musical talent runs deep in this familyl.
My cat fell out of a three story window once, and was perfectly fine. Of course this is also the cat who obtained a head injury after falling off of a plastic lawn chair. She's named Tippi for a reason.
I get into these moods every once and awhile and I have to seek out the worst shit possible. Death photos, or whatever... the nastier, more nightmare inducing the better (worst really). I've seen things that I wish I hadn't, and on my 2am drunk mind frame would seek out again to see if I can take it. I don't know…
This is still my fav Jarmusch film!
I'm assuming when Suge says,"I don't care who shot me" he means that person has already been taken care of.
I was thinking about it this weekend, and while Miley is quite talented she reminds me of those Maury shows about the troubled teens who are all like, "I smoke cigarettes, and I drink wine coolers. I do what I want!" But hell she's laughing all the way to the bank, so who am I to judge.
That was my first thought too! I guess Mark has already started leaving his Jezebel legacy, and boy what a legacy it is!
I like how Beyonce expressing her many moods as seen through the French gaze boils down to only one: ennui.
Why did I have to start eating right before I started reading this? I made it to the Alabama Hot Pocket before realizing I need to slowly back away from this article for the remainder of my meal.
I remember reading somewhere that we usually judge others by their actions, and ourselves by our intentions. I think it's that disconnect that produces apologies like hers.
My brother and I used to make a game of talking to my mom while she was sleeping just to hear the random things she would say. It would always start out normal enough, but then suddenly she would warn us about penguins on the ice floes, or some random thing like that. Quality entertainment at its finest!
"QUIT RAT-CHATTERING LIKE MAD PIES" is the funniest thing I've heard all day. Now only if I could find a way to work it into conversation.
Wait, though! What happened with the feeding of your cats? Did your dad block the cat door? Did you ever see that wily raccoon again? So many questions!
It was called "Bang" and was the first thing I thought of too! They called him a "reproductive abuser".
HOLY PHOTOSHOP, KRAVITZ! but, you know... ghetto?
HA! I love you for that gif. It reminds me of my gma's funeral. It was quite somber of course, but when the choir started to sing, there was this soprano who was so loud, and so off key that it was amazing!
I understand the idea behind the curfew, BUT! if you go back and review the words of Nixon in the first quoted paragraph, the looting wasn't done by the peaceful protesters, it was done by a group of rogues, and the looting was largely dissipated by the protesters, not the police. The police couldn't even be reached…
"This is not peace. This is silence."