I appreciate that they're trying to make amends and all, but I hope that things aren't just going to be swept under the rug.
I appreciate that they're trying to make amends and all, but I hope that things aren't just going to be swept under the rug.
"I guess my point is, if you are oppressed or not, you don't get access to everything."
My cat has taken shame to a whole nother motherfucking level. She now hides her puke, by pulling clothing over it. It's insane.
Just keep reminding yourself that they are cute, until you have to actually take care of them. My cat just puked on the carpeting to prove this point.
BUTTERS? is that you?
Fuck if I know. I'm the same age, and damned if I haven't just upgraded to "not accidentally actively killing a plant status", and this is only because this motherfucker has refused to die over two years. It's finally thriving.
Thanks for all of your hard work and persistence. It means a lot:)
I love Amber Rose so much but I just realized that her Instagram name is basically "a rosebud". Damn you Mark, for ruining this for me!
I was kind of seeing this dude I worked with, and after a few dates we ended up in my room. We start making out, he's on top of me and when we french kiss, his tongue basically flops dead fish style into my mouth and stays there. Not moving. Trying to make the best of a bad kiss I get on top of him and jam my hand…
I saw her a couple of weeks ago and she was amazing. Late, but amazing.
Aw, I'm sad to hear that about Lauryn Hill. I went to one of her shows a couple weeks ago, and while she was late (to be expected), she was amazing. My friend and I couldn't believe how on point she was.
Probably not the right time to say this, but I am so using "revenge boner". I'm not sure how yet, but when I do it will be perfect. Thanks!
Shush Rini, that would make too much sense.
Maybe she has him come into one of those rain gauge things.
About as much as we wanted that made for TV remake I suppose.