"which may suggest that older workers are taking jobs teens formerly snapped up."
In no particular order: Mary Shelley, Amy Winehouse, Amy Poehler, Amy Mann, Bette Davis.
Kesha calls firsties!
See I would have to disagree, until the point where they're reinterpreted by me. The other one, who shall remain un-named will always run up to me like I'm dying. I'd like to think that she thinks I'm the next Katy Perry and we can just autotune the whole braying part out.
"This is a choice he has made" made me laugh. These cats, they are dicks.
You just made me remember one of the most horrifying stories I've ever heard. My coworker knew this guy who had a pet python that they just let roam about in the house. At night it would slither into bed with them, and cuddle next to them. One time they were at the vet and they mentioned the snakes predilection for…
I got this.
Oh no, I totally know! We (me and the two cats) moved into a smaller space. Every time i walk into the apt they rub all up on me like i'm their territory. and yeah. i am.
It makes for good stories though, you know? It's like a game of never ending clue... which cat? harfed in what room? on human item?
I've got two of them, and the oldest just plain old harfs. Like loud, hear me, chase me around fruitlessly with a piece of newspaper before I puke on your carpeting anyway. The other one, however, has almost Zeke "mad pooper" levels of puke stealth. IT'S SOME BULLSHIT.
And puke on my record player... Wait, what she already did that? Fuck. I think she hates female singer/songwriters. Or me. Possibly just me.
I'm pretty sure that would just make my cat shit in my bed.