
Oh wow, that's big! Sorry!

For serious? I would go there and spend waayyyyyyy to much on booze, just because I saved an extra 4 bucks by not ordering an entree. Not saying that I would go there because, DRIVING.

It was a bad joke, but thanks for the lesson in economics.

I was thinking more this...

Did you include interest AND inflation on that million smackaroos?

To be fair Josh Groban is pretty funny (check out his twitter), and he seems like a good sport about being the wet dream for the geriatric set. Also this...

Oh, Kimmy...

Didn't he go through a nasty divorce not too long ago? Probably needs the cash.

My friend and I were tres drunk and we like half watched it. That girl has some pipes on her, but god damn is she isn't one of the most un-self aware people I've ever witnessed. She actually said this, "It's hard being a new artist, and trying something different." Like really? You've been an "artist" since you were a

Like I hate people are getting abused, and shit, but every time hypocrisy gets brought to light I get a little gleeful.

I should NOT have started reading the replies while eating.

She's working with the Flaming Lips so I don't think it's just a happy coyneincidence.

And in one fell swoop Wayne Coyne's legacy has now been reduces to being the middle name of Miley Cyrus' dog. I guess we really do reap what we sow.

For sure. I just figured that since the laxative/prolapse (should we be calling it rosebudding now?) topic came up it would be apparent.

I'm Still Here 2: The Shia Lebeouf Boogaloo.

Ha! Nope. Good to know there's more than one of them out there though, I guess?