Oh man. This is going to be a long one, so stick with me!
Oh man. This is going to be a long one, so stick with me!
Honestly though, I've had days at work where I literally can not keep my eyes open, and I'm so tired it's physically painful. I just attribute it to being a night owl, and shitty sleep patterns. I don't think immediately saying she's on heroin is warranted.
I love this song, but Pandora has ruined it for me! It will play it everyday in different forms (live at XXX) and I cringe every time it comes on. It's different clicking on it for myself though! RECLAIM CANNONBALL!
They need to get the fuck over it. I'm sorry if it makes you/them uncomfortable, but get the fuck over it already. If it doesn't apply to you, it doesn't apply. BUT THE FACT IS THAT WOMEN ARE ATTACKED/HARASSED. EVERY DAY. We shouldn't be silenced because of how it makes men feel about themselves. If it doesn't apply…
Yes to all of this!
I think maybe I'm just a huge narcissist who thought I was only looking at myself from my own gaze! Really, not really. Can I get back to you on this. It's heavy thinking time.
#NotAllInternetCommenters You're probably right. Who the fuck has the time for that though? And I'm saying that as a total homebody who spends an inordinate amount of time on the internets.
But brushing all of this under the carpet isn't going to help anything. You can't just ignore a problem and assume it's going to go away. This should be a discussion, a rational one. I don't think of it as chipping away at the readers perception of men, as much as acknowledging that there is a problem. The next step…
Is it weird for me to say that your comment struck me. In a good way, I mean. We are living in a world where a fucking hashtag discussing our experiences is considered a rebellion. That's crazy.
I wasn't generalizing. I was talking about the guys who are freaking out about this. I guess I could have been more explicit, but this is a comment on a blog, not a dissertation.
I'm sorry for assuming you were a man. All I'm saying is that #YesAllWomen is intended to be a safe place for women to discuss their own history with harassment and violence, without men making it about themselves. It's not #YesAllMen, and there is no generalization going on. It's a documentation of the kind of things…
So that's what's going on! Too bad I forgot to take the "dick sucking" course in college. I minored in ball massage though. Do you think that counts?
You are wonderful!
Can someone call the porn police please! MODS!
BUT IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU! It's about us. Don't get it twisted. No one is sitting there saying all men are shit, but we are saying, that yes, indeed, shitty guys have done shitty things to us.
Wow. You are rather rude. I disapprove with all of my slacktivism. I disapprove so hard that I can't even spell disapprove.
Okay! If if could put an "allegedly" in there I would. But I don't see how sharing what happened to you counts as bashing somebody. The main issue here is that people #yesallpeople? are uncomfortable hearing about it.