
You must get ALL OF THE GUNS too!

The craziest thing about this whole thing is that the #YesAllWomen thing isn't even about bashing men! It's about stating facts, and all this aftermath the FACT is that these guys are uncomfortable looking at themselves through the female gaze.

I want whatever weed she is smoking.

Oh yes, the very distinguished and highly spiritual Bukkake tribe. Notice how they didn't even spell it right.

I give up. That was supposed to be a NOPE gif.



Who'd have thunk that Chachi would be the absolute worst?

Eh, you should have just gone for it. You are amongst friends!

That makes me laugh much harder than it should. Perhaps it's the toupee'?

This is still my favorite Wikipedia edit.

*Burke's - sorry, it's hot in here, and wine.

If Cheryl Burks body language could kill.

I'll still never forgive Nancy O'Dell.... And now I know what I'm going to be doing this evening.

Dying here! Just dying. Thank you so much! I needed this.

I was thinking more Michael Jackson, but mannequin works too.

Yeah, but knowing this crowd we'd end up with butter knife as the winner.