and 100 more

Does that mean these people don’t have a mental health issue, just because they pass as “sane”?

You’re doing God’s work, bless you!

I feel like I should know that, but I’m claiming ignorance. That’s my insurance policy.

Finkle was Einhorn.

Yeah, definitely not something you want to do often.

Seriously. If they dropped a neutral bomb at 5k RPM (not sure that’s possible with modern electronic transmissions), or simply stomped the go pedal and rode out some smoky donuts, that’d be impressive.


I feel like we won’t really need blinkers is an EMP hits.

I get it, considering the few forays I’ve taken into Walmart’s pickup service have resulted in receiving some seriously sad-looking produce in my bag. That said, this seems like more trouble than it’s worth. I can just do a produce run at the HEB for the time it would take to view a 3d model of my potential potato

I get that, it would be awesome! I endorse this endeavor!

Right, that’s why I suggested taking him to the edge of the atmosphere.

Why? Why do they consciously put effort into being ignorant? They deflect knowledge like people bat at mosquitoes. I’d be tolerant of it if they just didn’t know better; but that they actively deny logic seriously gets under my skin.

You’re right. I’m vastly underestimating their dedication to ignorance.

I think this is going to be the main issue with his little “experiment”: by only going 1,800 feet up, his vantage point will not allow him to witness the curvature of the earth. Everything will still look flat. And he’ll come back down, and he’ll show his GoPro videos, and he’ll say “Look at how FLAT it is!” and all

Subtle one, but good.

Ugh. Just... just Leaf it alone already.

Use what works:

Came here for this; you did not disappoint.

As a typical white male office worker myself, I can honestly say that Jim reflects most typical white male office workers in his lack of interest in standing up when he sees offensive behavior happening to the people around him. Yes, he’s the audience’s relative anchor in the otherwise chaotic plotlines, but just a

This is NOT the point of the article. The point of the article is that these (admittedly few) gamers went on to be very successful, despite the parents’ feelings that this was all a waste of time and energy.