It worked for No Man’s Land, although that was a translated title...
It worked for No Man’s Land, although that was a translated title...
I suspect the How To Train Your Dragon remakes will be a real acid test of the point of doing live action versions of animated ones. Since the majority of the characters in the first one are humans, you can maybe make an argument that is how they should have been done, but my feeling is they are going to lose a hell…
Is that the one about ‘Death of Movie Theatres’? I’d like to check out their argument as that particular data point could be spun two ways. It maybe supports my position that we’re now dealing with a much greater proportion of releases being IP based, but it could also be read as validating the studios. Do the numbers…
It would make for a great round-table discussion. I’d maybe lean the other way, SFX is usually getting cheaper as people get more used to the technology and machines become more capable. We’re apparently almost at a point that Toy Story could be rendered live in real time on a high end home computer, Gareth Edwards…
“Pixar president Jim Morris announced that every other film the studio releases for the next few years will be a sequel or a spinoff”
I’d love to see if there is any data about the proportion of non-IP films released per year as it feels like compared to the 80s, most films are either something based on a property…
I find the whole dialogue about Padme finishing her term as queen even more cringe-worthy. It’s just so dumb and awkward! A monarch is a lifetime appointment, not a short term one, and regardless of what you call a position (it was much closer to a president or prime minister than anything aristocratic), you don’t…
I remember going to watch the Lucas remasters in the late 90s and feeling a little deflated as I became much more aware of the faults in the original trilogy seeing them as an older person. Nostalgia is a powerful drug at times!
I remember eye-rolling at multiple points in the Phantom Menace and the pod race was one of the worst offenders. I used to be a huge motorcycle racing fan and everything about this sequence felt off. I particularly hated that in a race with very few laps, a racer who gets half a lap behind can catch up, but then…
Not sure this comment will make it out of the greys but while Brand tries to model himself on the classic Che Guevara picture, I don’t know if he qualifies as an icon for people on the left with how vapid his politics are. His credibility took a massive hit when he cried about a graph that supported his position! It…
I get how people could find him amusing in small doses. He was never hilarious, and his ‘clever’ routines were pretty mediocre, but the delivery wasn’t bad. I’m more curious how anyone ever bought in to him as some kind of political thinker when he had less than nothing to say. Sean Lock absolutely skewered him for…
At the same time though, I don’t think it’s wrong for people to not want to help sustain the platform for someone spreading misinformation. Celebrities can evade justice if they have enough popularity
And of course, none of the states you mention are responsible for massive amounts of climate change denial, pollution etc... There is more to being a bad regime than simply human rights abuses. It’s almost like your massive hubris makes you ignorant! You can put Canada and Norway on a good list, but USA and Australia…
As long the survivor and the attacker are still alive is the only statute I need. It would be great if say Bill Cosby’s other victims were now able to step forward.
If you’re interested, I’ve found a reply on Youtube in response to a question of conflict of interest between the two psychologists who testified. As to the accuracy of the post, I can’t tell, but if it is true (which my gut instinct is telling me to be the case), it’s really not a good look for the justice system…
Network in 1976 had this incredible line:
The body language expert industry is something I find really unsettling. you see lots of these yahoos on Youtube (almost always on Depp’s side) and it makes me think of a few revolting things:
-Joanne Lees was accused of being a murderer by the Australian because she was not emotional enough in TV interviews about the…
There is freedom of speech in the UK, it’s just not as fetishised as the first amendment. The issue of defamation is more interesting than that - The defence in the UK relies upon the party to justify why they believe what they said is true. This is different to the US standard where the plaintiff needs to establish…
To my mind it runs the risk of reducing an issue to a popularity contest, with neither side presenting people who are informed enough to really be worth listening to. That’s where the kick back should be - is this person informed and qualified enough to talk about this? Celebrities are used because they have this…
None of the countries you mention even come close to the same scale of operations as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, Iraq... There are countries with a small scale capacity, but the significant players in the field all have truly repulsive human rights records. What Clooney said wasn’t ignorant, it’s why countries…
There’s a good argument that his ideas just found fertile ground in a pile of BS. They already regarded as autistic people as lesser, so were going to be highly receptive to any attempt to ‘cure’ them