Nasal Spray

I’d be lying if I said I had anything more than a passing knowledge of this game/competition/etc. but reading about achievements like this is so cool. I’m not stating anything new when you can plainly see that there is a distinct and odd “bro-culture” amongst some gamers that is less explicitly sexist than the jocks

Give it the ol’ “hat:halve-two.”

Exactly. I sure as shit wouldn’t want anyone reading the texts between my girlfriend or brother or my fucking parents for that matter. The League's promise to review only those messages pertinent to the investigation is both impossible and absurd. Combine that with the fact that there is a 100% chance that large

I, too, have tried to transition away from physical discs for anything without a shitload of extras. I've found that the only way to ferret out these deals is to troll retailer sites morning, lunch, and evening every damn day. Also, watch for promotions every holiday whether it be Christmas or Fathers Day. I realize

I, too, have tried to transition away from physical discs for anything without a shitload of extras. I've found that

The Patriots entry is the best for these.

Caveat that this is not legal advice, but rather a hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question from a former defense attorney and prosecutor:

While this isn’t anything that hasn’t been noted before, I can’t get over that what the owners are doing is right out of the Mafia playbook. And we’re talking tactics used as recently as the 1980s heyday. It’s a classic bustout with a clearly defined penalty for failure to comply.

I love that this shit is coming from a bench-warming CB on a perpetually laughing-stock team that sports the gay pride color.

Now now now he preserved health care! He gets a straight C after this past week.

I encourage everyone to call your favorite “religious freedom is dead” ‘Murican advocacy group and taunt the living shit out of whoever answers the phone.

Thanks for this. I’ve done around 30 or so classes (and counting) and now go four times per week. I’m sure I like it, but wasn’t sure about the quantifiable benefits. I also find it’s great recovery between training/spinning classes because the practice is your own. By that I mean you don’t have to “keep up” with the

It was an olive branch! Bros?

Well by virtue of you sitting here and bitching while taking potshots at others you already are sitting back and bitching while taking pot shots at others, so check that box. Useless and self-loathing? Au contraire, see above re: debortation. Proof positive that I love life and the eternal bliss that comes from the

The worst by far. Parking is anarchy and it’s a weaving mile-plus walk from the nearest Metro. And that’s just getting there. Good luck seeing any of the third quarter if you need to use the restroom or grab some food at halftime; I’m not exaggerating on this. I’ve never seen the third quarter of a game there despite

Funny you mention this because, yes, I had to clean shit off my seat one of the three times I went to FedEx. I thought it was bad luck, but apparently not. I've always hated Washington and Snyder makes it so much easier.

After living in DC for 12 years there is a backstory to this fiasco that has become even more entertaining now that the Redskins removed these seats. It’s a running joke among Redskins fans that Snyder would essentially suspend seats above the field a la the FieldCam if he could earn a buck off them. With that in

You’re going to fit in well here with all the hot takes, but I’d try and pace yourself. Throwing words like “retarded” around because you went wild on dictionary.com to decipher my statement is pretty strong out of the gate. And you’re wrong about Santorum being more successful as I have made a career of deborting

Not true. The sheer magnitude of Santorum’s acumen never ceases to get my dick wet.

This is the stupidest thing I've heard in awhile and I follow the Republican presidential campaigns. The argument (if you stretch the definition of this) is that a total shitbag who knocked a person half his size out cold because she...get ready...pushed him...is being "blackballed." Hyperbole aside, OJ Simpson won't

“No character is safe.”