Nasal Spray

I love the "there's not enough information!" line of reasoning, which you could say about absolutely anything in the physical, chemical, or biological world. Even historical! "There's not enough information...that the Holocaust was actually THAT bad." This is the "denier" weapon of choice.

I've reached a point in my life where I just roll my eyes and stay quiet if I ever overhear some asshole's racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. rant. It's not worth wasting breath or energy to argue. People have stupid opinions all the time and blasting every last person who has one is an exercise in futility.

Coffee spit all over keyboard, you fucker!


But none of you realize that Marshawn Lynch is quartering troops all over Arizona. No one has asked him about this. Media is conspiring to violate the 3rd Amendment.

For the life of me I don't understand why Lynch not speaking to the media is a big deal. So some moron asks him "what happened on that 70 yard run where you broke four tackles and scored?" Him responding "I ran quickly and powerfully, threw a stiff-arm, and ran as fast as I could to the endzone." I already saw the run

No. That's a sufficient timeline for the NFL to irreparably implode. They botched the concussion settlement in a much shorter time.

Oh come on...they are new hands at this whole following the team thing. When team starts losing next year and the fans realize that the "12th Man" is copyrighted by Texas A & M we'll stop hearing about them.

There is so little for the media to talk about over the next two weeks that they need something... ANYTHING...to justify their very existence. The whole "are the Patriots cheating again" thing was tired the second I heard it, but it will be hammered into the fucking ground by the time kickoff rolls around. Than the

There it is.

There it is.

But it's AJ Hawk we are talking about here. Is it any wonder the game came down to not one but two Packer middle linebackers screwing up on the same play?

And that's yet another reason why I'm confused about this whole "AJ Hawk has a job" thing. This play typifies his career - zero football IQ.


It's not a script, but didn't it take Flaubert something like fourteen years to write 'Madame Bovary'?



As I'm a Packer fan, all I wanted this coming Sunday was a win. After "the call" and all this bullshit, I hope they kick the ever-loving fuck out of the Cowboys. Anything less than a three score vivisection might actually leave me a little disappointed.

I'm sad to say I'm not lying. The zebras killed me. Checked the final score later.

I'd rather the NFL stay silent on these calls than do the 2 + 2 = 5 song and dance. It reminds me of the Fail Mary: everyone knew it was the wrong call, but the NFL cited a rule that had never once been used (simultaneous catch) according to the real officials in its defense. In this case, the NFL's explanation was