Nick S.

Women who are beaten with baseball bats are liars, cheaters, rapists. Some, I assume, are good people.

How dare you put the hot garbage that is Face/Off in the #2 spot but leave Fifth Element off the list completely. You're worse than Zorg!

What are you talking about? Buscemi's character is a serial killer, not a child molester. And he's not sweet, nice or friendly - the scene with the girl is played as very fucking creepy and the tension is whether or not he's going to kill her, not molest her.
Jeez. I can't believe you have me on here defending Con


I made a similar comment on another thread? Yes. Cut & paste? Nope. Just still hate the same 2 things about SNL as last month when I made that comment.
And I voted for Jill Stein? Please. Bernie? Nope, I didn't want him either. Just b/c I don't agree with everything you think doesn't mean you can throw me into some

"Wow. He was not expecting a curveball there."
He was surprised by a curveball on an 0-2 count? What? I hope Pitch gets renewed but they have to do a better job writing the baseball side of this baseball show. Don't even get me started on MPG's swingggggggARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! (my eyes just rolled all the way back through

That opening was really lame and overdramatic. I voted for Hillary. I'm pissed that Trump is our President. But, come on, this is SNL. Find the comedy that bites into the situation and exposes some truth - don't sing an overused, sappy song and dress it up as honoring Leonard Cohen. And don't act like Hillary - who

"Damon… ultimately fell back on the “wait until you see the movie” argument."

Right. Ok. Well, someone had a similar general criticism as I did down below in the comments and as I can see from your response to him, you thought this episode was "one of the most brilliant (and perfect) half-hours of TV I've seen in the last couple of months". Your 'cogent critique', however, offered little

This is a fun game of telephone.

Yes. A conspiracy is a secret plan by a group of people to do something.
I'm suggesting that the reviewer - and some people commenting here - 'want' this show to be great so they're either ignoring the negatives (this episode wasn't funny) or they're praising things that aren't really there (amazing storytelling).

The comment section that clapters together, stays together.

Not sure where you got 'conspiracy' from? I'm saying that I feel like the reviews are talking themselves into praising stuff that's not necessarily there.

First half of the episode was really good. The second half was really weak. Overall, not many real laughs to be had. Not sure how this scores an 'A'. I'm starting to get an Emperor's New Clothes vibe with these reviews.

This season has been tough for me to get into b/c I've never bought the Martha storyline. The acting of these last few episodes has been great, the tone has been great, the filming, the pacing, etc… but before this season the Martha/Clark scenes always felt silly to me. The idea that Martha would go through with

She wanted to wear a white dress to the wedding b/c she looked hot in it and she plotted with Josh's aunt behind his back to give him the family engagement ring so he would propose to her at his own sister's wedding to steal the attention. Come on.

As absurd as they play a lot of the comedy I believe this show absolutely wants to be taken as genuine. The writers want you to feel that Abbi and Ilana aren't an exaggerated parody but flawed, independent women and their friendship is supposed to be an inspiration - they are the heroes of the show. I find that idea

"Abbi and especially Ilana are and always have been such outrageously, utterly preposterous caricatures that to attach any genuine emotional, ethical, moral, or spiritual significance to their apparent evolutions is to miss the bigger, better, best part of the show; it's a satire."

Cool conversation. Thanks.

Hahahaha… are you serious? Does HBO pay you per hour or by the post?