Nick S.

Does he look that much older? He basically looked the same to me. She's been in a bunch of their Greg and Lou videos too - when she was on Seth Myers she mentioned being in their College in Pajamas sketch and a youtube troll commenting that "she looks like her butt stinks."
I see him in videos on Cracked.com alot too,

"The only thing they are going for in the realism department is Rebecca's mental illness."

I feel like this show is being reviewed for what it could be rather than what it is. I still don't think it's working. The office stuff in this episode was such a hammy sitcom plot and there's just not enough reality in the writing of Rebecca's character for me to care about her mental health struggle - throwing away

Nah, you're blinded by your political hatred. Trump is a fucking idiot but that doesn't mean SNL is supposed to completely destroy him when he hosts. What would ever give anyone controversial any incentive of hosting ever again? And the show was watchable. It was bad, but it was watchable. If you really think that

Weekend Update wasn't the highlight last night. The opening and the Drake sketch were both better.

An 'F'? Come on, that's ridiculous. This was a bad episode of SNL, to be sure, but no worse than half of the episodes over the last 5 years. Seriously. If you gave this an 'F' then you were going to give this an 'F' no matter what happened. The opening was really good, the Drake dancing sketch was great, and Trump's

Gretchen's 'get drunk and dance' version of depression before her breakdown was on par with Jesse Spano and her pills. You guys cut this show way too much slack.

This show has serious tone issues. You can't spend 20 minutes making your characters goofy exaggerations of flawed people and then 2 minutes trying to ground them in honest emotion. That's why they can't find a bigger audience. Either pick one or be smarter with the writing and find a balance.

I really enjoyed this but the customers who came back w/ nice clothes on to buy the TV felt like actors. And if that's the case then it kind of ruins the show for me. Anyone know for sure if all of their set-ups are totally legit or if they sometimes use actors to get jokes that they don't get from real people?

The characters on this show are such ridiculous exaggerations, is Gretchen sneaking out really that potentially heartbreaking? Her relationship with Jimmy is nonsense b/c the writers undercut it every other scene at the expense of some shitty joke - last week's episode started off w/ Gretchen being clueless about

You're the Worst is such a great commentary on modern dating! It's so realistic! i can't tell you how many times me and my girlfriend have gone on drug and alcohol fueled benders, stolen property and assaulted people! All without consequences! And all because we refused to let the other person know we both just wanted

But there were no Wisconsin riots after they lost to Duke. There WERE Kentucky riots after they lost to Wisconsin and 30 people got arrested.

Fantastic episode but Raylan's conversations with Art and Markham in this ep and Ava's constant waffling on Boyd has me worried that the show won't have the balls to let the series end with the darkness that it deserves. I think they're setting us up for a turn where Raylan gets Boyd to help him take down

If B99 had a laugh track it would be the Big Bang Theory. Dumb, dumb show. I'll never understand the love you guys have for it.
It's just a show about "bad cops" which, along with "bad doctors", is the lamest, oldest premise in comedy. Yes, Holt is an interesting character and he's good for one legit laugh an episode -

Aside from the fact that this was one of the best episodes of the season so far, if you're going to give a C+ to a controversial, popular show like South Park it deserves more than four paragraphs of criticism. Just a terrible review.

The Moneyball movie is a great piece of fiction, but it really isn't an accurate portrayal of that 2002 A's team. Art Howe was definitely depicted as a buffoon - he wasn't a great manager, but he wasn't an idiot - the decisions his character made were not baseball decisions, they were pure stupidity for the sake of

Between Ghost Hunters and the Donate Money sketch from last week I'm not psyched about the racial stereotypes SNL has been relying on for laughs. And since Leslie is from the writing staff you have to consider that she's writing them.

Sorry, bro, but that excuse is getting old. And I grew up in the late 90's/early 00's with the Wil Ferrell/Tina Fey/Amy Poehler SNL, which was a great era. But if you watch enough re-runs, it's impossible to deny that the 89-94 cast/writers were the best ever. Just like it's impossible to deny that the show has been

An A- ? Jeez. The classic SNL episode they aired at 10pm was Alec Baldwin's first time hosting back in 1990 and it was an incredible episode. That was an A grade. The new SNL episode felt like another C, a couple of fun moments but mostly boring and unfunny.