
Bite your tongue! You might as well microwave the envelope and carton those come in so you can get a little extra taste. Either go ‘real’ grits or don’t go at all. And I’m going to give Claire’s instructions for IP grits a try tomorrow morning.

give it a shot!

In our household, I am the healthiest despite being over 65 with obesity and Type II diabetes as underlying problems. Also in the household: my husband of almost 48 years who is a cancer survivor, also obese and also with Type II diabetes, and my mother (86), a former smoker with COPD, Type II diabetes, and other

My father (RIP 12/27/18) served as a pilot in a Mosquito squadron in the Korean action (he resented it was never actually a war, even though it sure was fought like one). He never really told us much about his time there, except to talk about the friends he made (and lost). But he always, always wanted us to express

Evidently April Fool’s Day is also James Bond Day at Prime.

Yes, they are. Just like the Spanish Influenza, for instance.

I received an email from Bi-Lo this morning, telling me they were instituting a Senior Shopping hour from 8am-9am. Since I turned 65 this past October, I took advantage of it. It was wonderful, even if there were many empty shelves, because I finally got the dozen eggs I needed.

a tiny bit of vinegar does this trick quite nicely.

Souter? While it would indeed be a shame should he die, he retired from the SCOTUS in 2009. Perhaps you refer to Breyer?

I am a fervent fan of digital books, especially the “mind candy” sort of little mysteries I like to read every now and then for pure fun. I have 7 bookcases in my house crammed full of my favorite novels, and I have those on my eReader (a Fire) as well. I don’t forget what I have on the Kindle - they’re sitting on the

This is a cute idea - thank you.

I agree with your grandmother: that is a charming idea. However, I haven’t been able to find any clementines or satsumas with leaves attached. I may be reduced to sticking bits of holly twigs under them instead.

My mother to this day insists we are descended from Quanah Parker, despite being shown verified research that proves otherwise.

Mac user here. I used to use Bamboo till it went away, and now I use Feedbro. I can’t remember if I tried Feedly or some of the others mentioned here, but I tried what seemed like tons before finally settling on Feedbro. I like seeing the total unread in my Firefox toolbar, and having a side menu with each feed

I like making a meal plan to start with (I shop in 2-week bursts), but I also like being able to change than plan as needed, such as a “manager’s special” on a really nice cut of meat or package of chicken, and there’s a new supper meal in the works.

OK, I have to admit every time I hear “Another One Bites the Dust” I sing “another one rides the bus” instead. I can’t help it.

And Erdogan, Duterte, and al-Assad as well.

Yes. This. Tonsillitis? He told me to lose weight. Three doctors for other occasions, only one actually listened and didn’t just jump to the obesity as problem. Luckily my daughter and granddaughter aren’t overweight so they don’t get this attitude.

Could you use the zip code belonging to the issuing bank/company, (searchable via Google, I’d bet)? Or maybe the zip code from your previous address?