getting to work on the photoshop now
getting to work on the photoshop now
I will not shed a tear if they get sued out of existence because of this. The Kirkman rumor was an unsubstantiated one started by gawker and perpetuated by its successors. When the sources you attributed to are distancing themselves to it, maybe it’s time to drop it.
I agree... why include CK in the picture header and not reference him in the article if he is “problematic”? The first two were referenced by name, CK — no mention at all... That feels more “problematic” than anything else.
*edited for punctuation
Has there been any responses to the Jezebel (or was it Splinternews) call for people to come forward about Louis CK? If not, there’s no proof. Why does the site keep condemning by association then? What’s your editorial justification?
None, basically. They count on you self-selecting— sub forces are all volunteers, so they hope that anyone who thinks they *might* have claustrophobia just never volunteers.
Seriously. I was so disappointed that the full text of this article wasn’t simply...
Psyc evaluations. All submariners go through it after volunteering for the service. The candidates then go to Groton, CT for sub school where you are taught basic submarining, then to your boat where you have 9 months to qualify and get your dolphins. Retired submariner with close ties to the submarine community.
And now you’re happier, right ...?
It’s a feedback loop. They can call someone for mansplaining and if the man does ANYTHING other than politely accept the accusation, they are then further guilty of mansplaining. It’s a tactic to control the interaction. The example above is simply patronizing condescension and happens all the time to men/women by men…
I’ve never not had a good experience with a Russian (or Eastern European), but I’ve learned by the way they carry themselves, nah pass str8 to keep to yourself, don’t fuck with them.
One more tip
This article tells more about you than the students. I disagree with every single suggestion given here. It all boils down to execution. Nitpicking on things like quotes or definitions is silly.
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
How about this...if you are here illegally don’t quibble about making the police follow every tiny law since you have shown you don’t give a fuck about follow any US Laws in the first place.
Domain name registrars might seem like commodities, but ease of use and customer support can vary wildly between…
most ground level HR department heads are simply company informants
I just prefer to get out of my chair and take a 10-15 walk, especially if it’s nice outside.
Arizona, or if you can handle elevation, New Mexico. (the only reason for the caveat regarding elevation is that unless you want to live in the middle of nowhere or a small farming community, your choices are Albuquerque-a mile high- or Santa Fe - even higher)
Love Daily Stoic!