
I think you got the best ones. I'm still partial to the S7, but the SSC and Venom GT have to be mentioned. The Ford GT is also a super car. I can't call the Viper, ZR-1 or Esperante a supercar. Fast, yes, but not over the top enough to be a super car.

Honestly, if you can afford a Ferrari, I'm sure it's a drop in the bucket. Besides, that seat could be the greatest looking seat I've ever seen.

This is a serious question. It'd be the most prestigious, in my books.

@ Brian1321

I was going to make a joke about controlling AI drivers.

This gets funnier the more you watch it.

ah ha ha. Good one. Here is another #cotd

Just watched this last night. Sure looks good on blu-ray!

Dat Ash...

#1 Deserved that one. It should have got a #cotd too. My favorite was "the backseat of a 600 dollar car is pretty much the same thing as a dumpster"

This is fantastic. I WILL buy one of these as soon as I can, and I am stoked that Sony is doing awesome things again.

"Gran Turismo and Forza may be realistic driving simulators"

Great list. Except auto windshield wipers.

The best part is all the people watching swaying back and forth.

Of course I want this car to happen, but 2600 seems very light, and I am skeptical.

Suddenly I have this urge to get a Rolls.

Oh my...

I kinda never want to use a valet now. The only knowledge you should have gained from parking someones car was how it sounds at idle, and how comfy the seats are.

I fully agree with this. I bought a regular lancer because I couldn't dream of affording the evo yet. It was a great, slow car.

Obviously you can't have too many, but that isn't why I read the comments on COTD. $kaycog does it best is all, we don't need a bunch of wannabe $kaycogs.