
This seems like a great idea, is there one for iOS?

While that sounds good in theory, what if they start learning to come to you for their brains? Eventually you'll run out, and you'll have angry zombies.

Ok, now somebody videoshop the rage face on to the guy when he tries to stop the bike.

Wow, that looks terrible. No thanks.

I was waiting for this, haha.

Holy smokes. These ladies are getting hotter daily.

I don't care if he deserved the ticket or not, when he crashed into the back of the cop car, I laughed my ass off.

I just turned off ALL notifications to see if that helps, because I get notifications in Infinity Blade while fighting, and then the game lags and I die.

@Jordyce: Actually, the best part about this article was your comment. I laughed really hard.

I bought a fiskars axe 7 years ago, still works great. My dad left it outside so the axe head looks a little rusty/dirty, but the handle is still solid.

@Mr.Wake: ah yes, that would be great. I had lots of fun playing Spyro back in the day.

@Kanji08: I didn't read that part. Now I too feel old. Thanks Kanji.

I was gonna keep that sebring wallpaper for a while, but after this one, I'll be surprised if I ever change it now.

So I'm sitting here browsing on my new air, and yup. It fits. Not on the metal band part, but the glass fits perfectly.

Ok, that was cool and all, but the link on the side to the $100k camera one?

Ok, the advertising worked. Where do I sign up?

Hmm. Not sure this makes sense saying he invented Scuba when that was Mr. Cousteau.

@SacredByte: Yup, my point exactly. They aren't unhealthy skinny, they are natural.

Pretty hard to think that there are people on this planet so many years behind the rest of us.