
@Chairman Kaga: Clicky clicky. Well said, it's a shame Sony can't advertise that well.

I've lost count of how many times I watched this today.

That's pretty impressive. Is there a ladder in that thin tower? And I don't see any harnesses.

The only thing that bothers me is that Sony doesn't push it's product enough!

The eye is my fav. A stunning shot, and a beautiful eye!

Other commenters have said it for me, but I'll give you three reasons in one comment.

If the future of gaming is all motion, count me out.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: I've always thought this too. They could easily have large tanks, that are divided with walls the fish can't see through.

@Cory Noll: Just because I forgot to mention it doesn't mean it's ok either. I've noticed some grocery stores stop displaying them like that, but it is also sad.

These images make me want them more. I'd say this is smart advertising.

This is cruel and terrible. Even worse than those siamese fighter fish that they sell in cups of water on shelves at Wal-mart.

Son of a... I am just getting tired of hearing my car get bashed. Why didn't I get hooked on this website before I bought my Lancer!

Those things are incredible! :O

@ian.nai: I just spit on my keyboard. Thanks for this.

@Caturday Yet?: Yeah, that was my fav part of article too.

Wow. Those don't look like they were made with sticks, they look like they were made out of molded plastic!