
Your first paragraph's last sentence is basically an exact description of what happened in Charlottesville. Multiple people have said the counter-protesters saved their lives. The Nazis ran people over with a car, maced people, and reportedly threw lighter fluid on somebody in a wheelchair the night they were swinging

Same. I mean, it's gotta be pretty cheap, right? Maybe not as cheap as South Park reruns, but c'mon.

If there's anybody who cares about what dead people would think of their actions, it's Ben Parker's nephew.

I liked Quicksilver's mansion rescue as a rerun of a thing that was 100% awesome the first time it happened in DOFP. But beyond the repetition, it bugged me that it calls attention to how busted the physics are, even for X-men. In DOFP, he gently adjusts someone and in real time they get flung violently. In

Cowgirl Iris from the same Earth as that one Wells. She'll lasso him over for a kiss, then spit out her chaw.

Conflating "appealing to the everyman again" with "fucking over blacks, hispanics, LGBT people, women, et al" assumes that the everyman is a (bigoted) straight white guy. There are tons of minority and female everymen Democrats should be (1) loudly fighting for with actual policy and (2) actively engaging them with

X-Men Apocalypse took a long time to do anything. I remember looking at the timecode at one point and the second Mystique scene came a *half-hour* after the first one, despite flowing directly out of it for the characters.

I dearly wish more Americans were actively invested in politics, especially locally. But also, it's only kind of Random Overworked American's job to study up on civics, and it's not a paying one. There were people whose very lucrative *job* was to win the election with things like "creating ads that present a clear,

Clinton gave a speech about it that got a couple days' coverage, but about the only thing that really came of it was that normal people can't use Pepe the frog any more.

The audio commentary clips are so, so good: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Not quite Ben Affleck on Armageddon quality, but amazing nonetheless.

I do not want the 90s yet (the time-jumps get exponentially dumber) but I would like to see that team in those costumes for a full movie with an actually good script. They've had three movies in a row ending in the promise that the X-men will form now; we mean it this time.

The current comic arc of the white Captain America being a Hydra agent certainly feels appropriate.

The end ("Thanks Dad!" "Thanks Mar!" *lean on each other heads*) was very sweet.

Airing two a week made it fly by as well.


Thursday Night Football

Ward becoming Taskmaster would only make Ward a little more interesting and the Taskmaster way more boring. Now that they've finally done decently well with an established villain in Absorbing Man, I'd rather see them cast a better actor and plug in the comics character's personality, even if he can only be around for

The prediction is in the Marah guest spot.

It was more of a super-train than a home.

We'd all like to flee to the Cleve.