100 yen a plate sushi...
I have this problem in Korea. I am super skilled in the using of the self-checkout, thanks to being a complete introvert, so I am all like "It's okay, I got this." over and over in Korean before the cashiers will leave me be...
You're reading the story and you're like...
Back when my brother first got his puppy Maggie, his girlfriend's dog, Sookie, didn't like her at all (so much so, that she hopped up on top of the sofa and stress-drooled forever). We discovered that Maggie likes nothing better than to chase around a flattened 2 liter soda bottle. It is the noisiest thing in…
Racist and clearly terrified of vaginas. Squishy pink tube shaped monsters everywhere, what?!
Exactly. Why mess with perfection?
The peacock is totally innocent in all this. He's at Mayfield Preserve, where the peacocks live. They're lovely and hilarious. He is a nightmare.
That and his apparent love for Rage Against the Machine.
Someone apparently gave one to Helliwell, since she "explained to the local women that what he did was bad" and "turned to the woman who had been approached by the man and said, 'he was trying to hurt you' ".
True Stories Time:
Totally different example, but imagine going to a different country with a different country, seeing them eat something odd or maybe gross (in your opinion) and then you presume to tell them "You should not eat that. That is wrong. That is a crime against nature."
I'm gonna try to tackle this, because it interests me. Violence against other people is pretty much always wrong. We can get into the morality of war and self-defense and stuff, but the basic premise is that hurting people is bad.
Except that abercrombie clothes are overpriced, deliberately undersized garbage that wears out in a month of two of normal use. I'd rather buy Ralph Lauren or something of similar quality and spend the same, if not less, than pay $50 for a shirt that won't even last me a season.
Thin, spicy soup, Sprite (or the better Korean version Chilsung Cider) and hiding from the light.
That last bit at the end there. So sad...
That old field was the old Del Valle High School and the old Popham Elementary. Consequently, I went to Popham before the airport was built, and I am a Del Valle alum (although, I so wish I weren't...).
A snake a snake! Snaaaake a snaaaaake! Oooooooooh it's a snaaaaaaaaaake.
My boyfriend is Absinthe...
That should be your choice. You can ask for some kind of exclusivity in the beginning, while you're figuring stuff out. It's not asking too much.