
Nothing works at -20

Jalopnik-grade journalism 

I have been saying for a while now: getting hit by a train while on rails should be a felony. Crossing illegally should be a high class misdemeanor and repeated offenses a felony.

Those who can afford to. 

Bolt. GM's 100% output.  Not.

Yeah, my response should have been to someone else.

That’s life. Deal with it

Good. Buy this car as your only car then.

BUT nearly everybody takes occasional trips that are more than 100mi.

Even a median target user takes occasional and sometimes frequent trips that are longer than 100mi.

Good. Please go and get yourself a 100mi car that takes several hours to refuel. Make it your only car.

My Bullitt drives just fine, TYVM.

No one NEEDs a new car. Ever. Except a business lease for tax write-off. New car is always, always a luxury. Broke people go to dine at French Laundry because they are hungry? The Repo Man is loving it.

Either people are very rich or the Repo Man will have a feast a year or two from now while those "rich" people are squealing bloody murder. I love the smell of cooking bacon. 🍳 

I bought a couple of new cars for cash (new, from 3 different dealers. The title always does not come in the mail until about a month later, at which point the DMV decides to do its job. For the first 30 days or so I do not have the title.

That is true

Interesting. How do you withdraw money from someone’s checking account? If I try to do something with mine, I get an email warning me about it.

Samsung/Google pay has been touch and go for me. Some terminals randomly not take my phone. So I stopped using Google pay altogether and went back to physical credit cards. Go ahead, steal my cc number. The only inconvenience for me would be that I will need to wait a couple of days for a replacement. 

I believe this is exactly the case with CR. I may be wrong, though. I recall reading about this a while back, but can’t find it now. What is clear is that the overall rating is not the straight average if individual ratings.

The overall raring is based on comparing similar vehicles.  Individual systems rating is based on all vehicles (I think). It is therefore possible to be all red and yellow and still above average (for the class) and vice versa.