
Fox News know exactly what their audience wants and needs to hear. The news kibble is slurped up by the Fox base with gusto.

If they do, I will be trading in my '17 GTI.

I hate the touch bar on my MacBook pro 

They should have named it Dodge Discharger.

There is currently a shortage of workers everywhere. Now it is the best time to find a job elsewhere. It might not be as easy again soon.

Funny retort, but people with early stage dementia tend to remember events that occurred long time ago and lose those memories last.

Everythibg you wrote is spot on, except "almost".

Personally, I would take the Cayman, too, but these two cars serve different demographics so they are not in reality direct competitors. Many people put quite a bit of value on a car make being American. Because ‘Murica.

What other cars is a 200K Corvette in a ballpark with? Those “other” cars aren’t sold without markups either and decent 911s are over $200K. Plus, throughout the entire Midwest you are cool in a Corvette, but an asshole in a 911. Different demographics even for ccomparable money.

So you agree there are choices for a range of budgets, right?

The best advice for car buying today is not to buy unless it is literally life or death or if you are totally loaded. For everyone else, keep your current one if you can.

Nice suspense..  until it is revealed to be an auto. Lol.

Of course. I would have liked my gas tank to be larger, but I can live with the current size. Of all the problems that the world is currently having, a smaller gas tank ranks pretty low down the list.

Ok, so this is not really a problem for you then. 👍

Thank you for a nicely detailed response. As you can see, I am not arguing with you because what you are saying is correct. What I am not certain is about adults being smart or ending up making smart financial decisions. My guess is that many decisions are not thought out and made on an impulse.

Agree on not being immune from a disaster or hardship. However, poor choices, not disaster events, overwhelmingly dominate people’s poor financial decisions. That was my point.

Financing is by itself a product that costs money. Financing is totally ok for people who have the money to afford Financing. Nothing wrong with rich people taking loans. Everything wrong with poor people taking loans. People simply have a completely wrong understanding of what financing is: it is either a luxury

$55 to fill up here. What do you drive to cost $100 to fill up?  Either the mileage of the vehicle or zip code to live were voluntary choices.

It is depreciating. Can't count on it appreciating and fluctuations are that: fluctuations. 

Wrong area if making less that $100K