
The MX-5 and CX-5 are the only Mazda vehicles that are worth buying new, with the market size for the former being tiny and not able to keep the company afloat. The 3 is pretty, but not fun to drive and overpriced especially in a fun to drive form. The jury is still out on the CX-30, which is priced reasonably and has

At least they took notes.  That's a start.

Turns out, build quality is not as important to buyers. This is the same as mp3 music obsoleting the CD. The CD people had severely overestimated the importance of high sound quality whereas the consumer valued convenience instead. Tesla vehicles are so advanced in ideas and technology, that many people are willing to

That part is overhyped. You are more likely to have a GM lemon bursting at its gaskets on the side of a highway than to have a Tesla lose its bumper. And the latter issue is getting fixed.

Did they at least try to sell you lifetime oil changes?

Dear Jalopnik. You need to increase the number of gears in your daily shifts.

Try something like this?  Anything? 

The 09 bailout did a lot. For one, Cadillac actually got a chance to produce some great cars. Of course, being GM, they squandered everything again and went back to producing mostly garbage. Sports cars and some trucks being notable exceptions. 

You are right. This is not what the man himself has been stating. The picture you painted hardly depicts a great businessman, but rather, a great entertainer. Trump is a great entertainer, no question about that. 

Well, it would have been worth $150K with a Tremec.

You could, but you wouldn’t then lie that you’d made a lit of money, would you?

The picture is not correct.  The right way is that Joe at the bottom not only is getting passed at, but is actively drinking it and wanting more. 

Totally possible for you as an individual. On average, however, people do and will continue to overspend when shown an opportunity. A credit card, an amazon prime sale, black Friday, clearance, etc. Each of these can be in theory used responsibly to save money, but in actually all lead to overspending for an average

Omay? Neighbor did just that. He traded in his 2017 Silverado and they have him more than he paid for it when he bought it brand new.

Ummm, quote please? Or a link. Lol. Let's just say, he never said that. Google, check it out, and report back, mkay?

Thank you! Some people like jstump like to think that they can outsmart the system. They can’t, because it is not about being smart, but is about being human with all of the weaknesses of a human being. 

This has nothing to do with money managing skills. You are not a computer, but (i assume) a human. Humans have weaknesses. Credit cards make people spend more on average. This is why people spend more on average when there are sales. Simple human psychology. Exceptions only prove the rule.

You may be an exception. Absolutely. For an average person, what id said above applies.

The reality is, you do spend more, too, unless you pre-budget every single dollar beforehand. Possible, but not probable.

I am sure you are the exception. Just like you must be an above-average driver, for example. Sure, you can free-will these things and be responsible and prudent with spending. Entirely possible. But statistics is a bitch and on average people are average. Credit cards do make people spend more.