
Not to repeat myself elsewhere, but it is well known that people spend more when they use a cc as opposed to a debit card or cash. Even if you do not incur interest and get rewards, you are still spending more. This is the same as sales: even though individual items are cheaper, people on average spend more money when

I bet you have spend more money by purchasing more stuff than you would have if you’d used cash. Getting you to buy more is a powerful and addictive component of the credit card even if you do not pay interest and even if you do get cash rewards.

Not to rout for Ramsey here, but he is absolutely correct in one thing. People spend more on a credit card than on a debit card or cash even if they pay off the balance in full every month. Yes, you avoid interest and yes, you get rewards, but you do spend more. You buy more stuff, you care less how much the total

Which is most people.  Most people are terrible with money.

The point is, whether you pay cash or finance, you have to have cash for doing either of these things prior to even thinking of acquiring a new car. The moron writing the original letter to Tom is as such.

Fuck, I have zero debt and a decent income. I was very worried about writing a $27K check for a loaded GTI so I bought a base one for $22K. The extra $5K is a lot of money to me even though i would not cry if this money burns tomorrow. The dude just blew 50K on a Jeep Radiator and he didn’t even notice that. Einstein

Ramsey does not work for many, but today's character is a textbook case for him. The funny thing is that the guy probably does not realize that he is his own main problem.

The dude just had a meal at French Laundry at $500 a person for a family of 4 plus a $2000 bottle of wine, but he is has $30 with him.

They sold every Fo and Fi they brought to the US. Plus, I see tons of these driving around.

I did, too.

I bought  GTI new. It has been 3 years.  I decided to chance it by not buying extended warranty.  So far I had one coolant leak around the thermostat that was fixed under warranty. Will see how it goes - maybe I like to live dangerously 

Wait, there was an open recall, meaning that if you were to take it to VW they would have fixed it for free?

Don't let your facts spoil a good story

yes. This describes today's Challengers and Chargers, by the way, although they are assembled ok.

One answer: MOAR POWAAAAAAR. The gramma can beat a Bugatti on the way back from a Walmart shopping run.

This is the best single argument for having the front license plate.

And for an extra $10,000 you can buy an intergalactic starship. Fun fact: your statement and my statement are equally improbable at this moment and at least for another year. Starships have not been invented and C8 Corvettes have all been sold out.

I live about 2 miles from it. Tempting. Although I have done coast to coast on I40 (with route 66 diversions) and I-10 before.

8K is quite a bit of money. You did fine.

let this be the market choice, not government enforced policy