
Ah, the brakes double as guns. Great.! ‘Murica! Wait - this is a German car. Hmmm.

Why is the style called the shooting brake? Does that mean that the brakes are shot?

To be fair, i asked my student on one occasion and a stranger on another to pull my vehicles from snow banks with their trucks. That's right: i proudly do not learn my lessons.

In an ideal world, no. In reality, they are. Not the best investments, sure, but investments nevertheless.

I bought a 52K MSRP sports car last August because it had a manual. I am in a clear minority, but I would have looked at the BMW sold at a Toyota dealer if the car had 3 pedals. We also do not have a BMW dealer within a 250 mile radius so rebadging a BMW to sell at an in town Toyota dealer is a plus for me. Too bad

Toyota Accord MachE Turbo?

the government job is not to protect individual individuals, if that makes sense. It is to provide an opportunity for survival, safety, and minimum standards of living. The government should not micromanage every individual's decisions even if these decisions cause harm to the individual. 

Cheers. Anyone who borrows to buy anything with leather navigation deserves it. There is a difference between necessity and excess. There is a difference between trying to have a decent life and trying to impress one’s neighbor by borrowing. We are in no danger of losing consumer druven economy because people will

everything we do is a risk. Stepping outside is a risk. Staying inside is a risk. The tradeoffs for these risks are worth it. Gambling in a casino is a risk. Gambling with $20 to kill a few hours of vacation time is worth it. Borrowing to gamble is not worth it. Borrowing to gamble on a luxury depreciating item is not

Taking an auto loan if you do not have immediately available cash or equivalent assets is always, and i mean always, an unreasonable risk. A 15 year mortgage is the most one should reasonably plan to borrow. Everything else should be paid cash or, if financing, you should have money invested in a fund that you can

What you described is the exact definition of risk. So he does have a point that stands.

We need an autonomous vehicle that will report points to the authorities for various infractions from improper equipment to speed limit violations. And will pull over to call 911 for DYI. While we are at it, the vehicle should also report itself for improper parking or expired meter. Problem solved. If you do not like

I can see a boom in sales of removable wraps

So that cops could pull you over. All it takes to avoid this is to literally walk around a car for 10 seconds before setting off.

This is why everyone should check these things at least every day they drive.

Q.Why do elephants have red eyes? A. To hide in tomato plants.

I’d argue that your argument only adds fuel to the fire with whorehouse analogy. Well maintained, huh.

All funny, but he is right. People had stretched their nonexistent finances to the limit and that’s their fault. Plus bad luck, of course, but bad luck is not on a hook for truck payments.

so how did that turn out???

I read it the same, lol. $500 a month on bananas.