
1 Agree with this, but for different reasons. If I’m pretty familiar with the actor, as I am with Keanu Reeves, seeing them in the game is a bit too uncanny valley for me; while it does look really great, they always look a bit off.

It’s a shortening for convenience, like e. coli or flu. The full name of the sugar that causes the issues for people is galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose.

Chris...no. Please don’t blame homophobia on people being secretly gay. This is a worn out old trope and it essentially blames gay people for our own problems. Love you, but no.

That particular piece, one of the more gory and realistic renditions of that story, is by Artemisia Gentileschi. She painted many empowered women, and her history shows why.

All I could think is, “Get away from me with those nails.”

Is this for real? jfc... LW, despite your disclaimer at the end, or your intention, this makes you sound like a narcissistic ass who has to be seen doing the right thing. Don’t make a big deal of it at all; just put the tip in the jar in the course of things and move on. Pretend it’s just another rote action at the

So no one is going to talk about Cheeto’s kill tally that someone has been keeping track of right on the notice? 63 and counting... that they know of, at any rate.

You don’t have to buy a full bidet. There are relatively inexpensive attachments for normal toilets that you can buy and install yourself. Those are on Amazon as well.

That little onesie is adorable! And gender-neutral!

The second paragraph is what should have clued some folks in that it was satire. I, too, was like, “Wait, what?” on reading the first, and then went, “Oh... lol,” after I read the second.

(I know this is an old post.)

[edit] Fuck me, I just replied to a 6 year old post. Sorry...

Yay I’m not the only one. I was confused for a few seconds.

Kinja works when she wants to work.

The problem with a lot of restaurants/bars/cafes today is that they aren’t schooled in customer service/hospitality.

Seems you missed the part where the OP is the designated driver, which means they drive drinking customers to the establishment. If the OP brings 2+ drinking friends, that is profit for the bar.

Yeah I think this part is missing from most of the commentary. This strikes me as a poor business decision. I know why she did it; she’s using the food the same way stores use sales: to get people in the store and hopefully spend more money on other stuff while they’re there, in this case, booze. But when drinking and

I don’t know that people as a whole will start flocking in droves to buy Gillette shaving products solely because of this ad...