
The sad fact is that your method of thinking is the minority.

This might seem odd from an Internet Stranger, but this Internet Stranger is rooting for you!

Omg... I remember when she was half as tall and saying, “Vote for Daddy!”

I doubt that Trump has the slightest idea about any of the merch available on his website, with perhaps the exception of the MAGA hats. That doesn’t mean that the people responsible for it aren’t gigantic hypocrites, I just don’t think Trump himself knows or cares; he has people to do all that stuff for him.

A campaign like this is based around everyone knowing how the game works. People like causes; people like supporting their causes with money; people like showing off symbols of the causes they support. Corporations know those things about people; corporations like to make money; corporations like making themselves

Listerine is still making bank, so I’ll assume a great many people. I use ACT; it has the ADA seal of acceptance!

The Obama administration had issued a rule asserting that the provisions covered gender identity, but a federal judge blocked those protections in 2016 following a lawsuit from religious groups.

The landlord replied by saying, “Would you take care of your child?”

I agree that the tinfoil hat idea of them balking at a paltry 10k is silly, but where did you see that “they’re paying every other contestant in full”?

It seems to me that most people’s issue with Uniqlo is that they elected not to award the prize to anyone. When medal winners are found to have been doping in the Olympics, that person’s medal is stripped and everyone moves up a slot as if that person never existed. Someone elsewhere said that the 2nd place finisher,

That’s not the same thing. Selling an Andy Warhol design is capitalizing on Andy Warhol to sell merch. It would be the same for any other well known artist or property. In this case, they staged a contest to obtain a design that would be exclusive to them; that exclusivity (combined with the franchise) is the selling

Poor Psyduck is so confused over all the choices.

Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. Just know that there are women out there that would find that a turn-on. I like the idea that a man feels comfortable exploring and sharing that side of his sexual pleasure, particularly given broader societal views (as your partner unfortunately demonstrated...)

There is an anti-spoiler message at the end of Witness for the Prosecution (1957). My mother, who saw The Crying Game in the theater, also told me that people went out of their way not to spoil that movie’s big reveal; I remember similar attitudes about The Sixth Sense. I think the internet and social media has

Because there is more than what you’ve experienced? Perhaps the public transportation in your city sucks. Perhaps you normally drive, but on this particular occasion you’re forced to use a cab/service — alcohol consumption, dental appointment with sedation, shitty parking at your destination, some emergency situation,

some are also concerned about the dehumanizing aspect of being told to zip it

I haven’t seen Thom in a really long time. He looks so dashing with the gray hair!

That means locations could choose...

Or she could not enjoy deconstructing them, which is also fine. Taking in movies, TV, and books as only escapist entertainment is a perfectly valid way to consume those things.

He’s an older, out gay man living in North Carolina and a military veteran. I somehow doubt that this two year stint is the first time he’s experienced such bullying. I think his hide is probably tough enough. It seems like he said, “Fuck it,” after a lifetime of dealing with it, and I don’t blame him one bit.